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Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Definition: According to Colorado Eligibility, a child with a hearing impairment, including Deafness shall have a deficiency in hearing sensitivity as demonstrated by an elevated threshold of auditory sensitivity to pure tones or speech where even with the help of amplification, the child is prevented from receiving reasonable educational benefit from general education.
The Colorado Rules for the Administration of the Exceptional Children’s Educational Act (ECEA) defines the criteria for identifying a student with a hearing disability (Deaf/Hard of Hearing). Colorado’s Deaf Child Bill of Rights (1996) requires that all students with a hearing disability have a Communication Plan that considers students’ communicative needs as they relate to social and emotional development.
What's New
Welcome back! Join us on Thursday, August 22, 2024 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. for our first Zoom meeting to discuss what will be happening in 2024-25 and the NEW and improved Differentiated Pathway for some Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
D/HH Job Board
View the latest listing of Deaf Hard of Hearing jobs across the state.
Statewide Deaf/HH Events Calendar
Bulletin Board
Bulletin Board features D/HH specific announcements and important information.
Want to Add to the Events Calendar or Bulletin Board?
To post an event, on the Statewide Deaf/HH Events Calendar or Bulletin Board, please complete the Post an Event Google Form. Pease have ready the following information: event title; date; time; location; event description; sponsoring organization and contact information.
If you have an event flyer or web link, please include it for posting on the events calendar/bulletin board. For events requiring an RSVP and/or request for accommodations, please add that information (along with instructions/contact information) within the event description.
Google Forms must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the event.
These events are not a representation of the Colorado Department of Education, nor are they an endorsement from CDE. Unless specified, CDE does not organize these events. This is simply a platform for Deaf/HH events to be listed.
[Employment/Professional Info Link]
- Listservs for CO Providers
- Statewide Collaboration Information
- Mentor Program for School Professionals
- Employment
- Teachers of the Deaf
- Educational Audiologists
- Educational Interpreters
- Organizations
- Resources
- Accessibility During COVID
- Understanding Hearing Loss
- Birth - 3 Years Old
- Transition Services
Forms and Documents
[Services/Support Programs Link]
- D/HH Related Documents
- Archived Deaf/Hard of Hearing Newsletters
For more information about services for students who are hearing impaired, please contact:
Shauna Moden, Deaf Education Specialist
Phone: 720-413-0179
Email Shauna Moden
Having trouble with this webpage?
If you have problems with broken links or accessing the content on this page, please contact the Exceptional Student Services Unit at ESSU@cde.state.co.us. Please copy the URL link for this page into the email when referencing the problem you are experiencing.
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