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Colorado Integrated Monitoring and Accountability Process
Colorado Integrated Monitoring and Accountability Process, formerly Results Driven Accountability (RDA), is the accountability system in which general supervision and monitoring emphasize academic results of students with disabilities as well as compliance.
What's New!
State General Supervision Responsibilities Under Parts B and C of the IDEA – OSEP QA 23-01
The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services released the State General Supervision Responsibilities Under Parts B and C of the IDEA (OSEP QA 23-01), a comprehensive guidance package intended to better inform state and local education agencies of their responsibilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). This guidance will inform CDE’s responsibilities for general supervision, monitoring, and providing technical assistance to ensure a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for Students with Disabilities.
HB22-1260 Access to Medically Necessary Services for Students
HB22-1260 Access to Medically Necessary Services for Students requires each Administrative Unit (AU) to adopt a policy that addresses how a student who has a prescription from a qualified health-care provider for medically necessary treatment receives such treatment in the school setting as required by applicable federal and state laws. It also requires each AU to compile and submit aggregate data to CDE annually.
- Summary of HB22-1260, link to training power point, and data collection process
- Link to the full HB22-1260 document
- HB 22-1260 data collection training - Data Town Hall Meeting on April 25, 2024
- HB 22-1260 and Access to Medically Necessary Services - Guidance - April 2024
Special Education Services for Eligible Youth with Disabilities Detained in County Jails
Youth in Correctional Facilities webpage
Eligible youth with disabilities detained in county jails are entitled to special education and related services to meet their needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living. 34 C.F.R. § 300.1 Administrative Units (AU) share the responsibility for ensuring educational services for detained youth with local juvenile and adult detention centers, including county jails. 34 C.F.R. § 300.2(b).
Introduction to Integrated Monitoring - Facilitated Assessment Video
Facilitated Assessment Panel Discussion
SRR and Transition-Age IEP Record Review Training and Webinar
Historically, AUs reviewed IEPs that amount to 3% of the December count IEP enrollment with a minimum cap of 10 and the maximum cap of 50. In SY2020-21, the maximum cap was reduced to 30 to reduce the burden on AUs during this time. CDE will use this reduced sampling amount once again for the upcoming school year’s reviews. AUs must complete IEP file reviews for all age groups by May 1, 2025. Details of the number of reviews required in each age category and directions for completing the reviews can be found in a document labeled, “AUCode_AUName_IEPRecordReview 2024-2025” in the Document section in the Data Management System (DMS). Failure to complete your AU’s required number of reviews on time may impact your Spring 2026 AU Determination.
Determinations webpage includes:
- Colorado Determination
- LEA/AU Determinations
State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Reports (SPP/APR) webpage includes:
- Colorado's SPP-APR
- AU Indicator Profiles
- Individual Indicator Profiles
General Supervision/Monitoring
General Supervision/Monitoring Webpage
Significant Disproportionality
Educational Services for Students Awaiting Trial as an Adult
Special Education Data
Special Education Data Webpage includes:
- State of Colorado Special Education Data
- LEA/AU Special Education Data
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