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Alternative Dispute Resolution
The Alternative Dispute Resolution Project at CDE
In 2013, the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) recognized, from parent and educator feedback, the need for more options to prevent IEP’s from moving into contentious and costly dispute processes AND result in better outcomes for students. The Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Board was formed to look at best practices across the United States in alternative dispute resolution and decide where Colorado should start. As a result of the Advisory Board work, it was decided that Special Education Facilitation was a highly promising practice that could work well in Colorado’s local control model. Use the buttons below to learn more about the project.
Special Education Conflict Engagement Office Hours
Special Education Directors/Administrators are invited to attend Conflict Engagement office hours hosted by the Dispute Prevention and Assisted Resolution Team. We will discuss trends in special education conflicts occurring within IEP Teams and strategies for working through them. Each session will focus on a different topic and have time for questions and answers.
Upcoming Office Hours Dates and Topics:
- January 17th - Strategies to support IEP teams working through the common misconceptions causing conflicts within meetings.
- February 21st - Strategies for working with "high conflict" meeting participants.
- April 18th - Strategies to use when the IEP Team's history is the primary source of conflict.
- May 16th - Ending the school year forward-facing, even with challenging teams.
For more information and to register for office hours, click here.
Contact Katherine Rains,, with any questions.
Additional Resources
- The Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Education (CADRE) is a national center that has many resources for "Encouraging the use of mediation and other collaborative strategies to resolve disagreements about special education and early intervention programs."
- Working Together is a collection of CADRE video resources on Listening, Positions & Interests, and a Tale of Two Conversations that are designed to support effective communication and collaboration between parents, schools, and early childhood programs.
- Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators/Facilitators
- PEAK Parent Center
Our Partners Who Help Us Help You:
Show & Tell [formerly Thrive Center] [Exiting CDE]
Disability Law Colorado [Exiting CDE]
Katherine Rains, J.D.
Dispute Prevention and Assisted Resolution Supervisor
Exceptional Student Services Unit
201 E Colfax Avenue, Denver, CO 80203
Phone: 720-990-1464
Email Katherine Rains
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