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Special Education Guidance and Technical Assistance

The Office of Special Education has provided guidance and technical assistance documents in a variety of areas related to Special Education.

Behavior | Disabilities  | ECEA | ESP | FBA | Health | IEP | IDEA | Learning | McKinney-Vento | Mental Health | Multilingual Learners | OSEP Q&A |Out-of-Home Placement | Pre-School | Reading-Math | Speech Language Pathologist | Transition | Other


Brain Injury

 Disability Categories

Autism Spectrum Disorder Guidance

Development Delay

Specific Learning Disabilities

    Traumatic Brain Injury

     Colorado's Exceptional Children's Educational Act (ECEA)

    Educational Surrogate Parent (ESP) 

    Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)


     Individualized Education Program (IEP)

     Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)


    • Reading and Math Interventionists in Special Education (PDF) - (in process of review) New codes that allow flexibility for the use of interventionists in Special Education

    McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

     Mental Health

    Multilingual Learners (ML)

    OSEP Q&As

    Office of Special Education Programs has issued the following Guidance and Q&A Documents

    Out-of-Home Placement



    Speech Language Pathologists (SLP)


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