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Significant Support Needs (SSN)
Students with significant support needs (SSN) are highly diverse learners with extensive needs in the areas of cognition and/or learning, communication, movement, and social/emotional abilities. The individual may also have concurrent health, sensory, physical, and/or behavioral disabilities.
Students with significant support needs require:
- a wide variety of approaches and supports to demonstrate their knowledge and skills
- intensive instruction in literacy, numeracy, and problem-solving skills in order to acquire and generalize knowledge
- substantial adaptations (modifications and accommodations) and/or ongoing supports in order to access grade-level curriculum
- access to assistive technology tools to communicate, learn and demonstrate their knowledge
- progress to be measured by observation, data collection, assessment, and work samples
- individualized levels of support across major life activities in the home, school, and community.
SSN Power Hour (Office Hours)
The Significant Support Needs Network Team and the Significant Support Needs Task Force Members will be holding monthly office hours. The SSN Power Hour will be the first Wednesday of each month from 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM. These sessions will not be recorded.
Please register for the following sessions:
- October 2, 2024
- November 6, 2024
- December 4, 2024
- February 5, 2025
- March 5, 2025
- May 7, 2025
SSN Power Hour
All participants must register no later than two weeks in advance for each power hour session/conversation.
Trainings / Professional Development
Upcoming Trainings
No upcoming SSN related trainings at this time.
On-Demand Trainings
SSN Connections
Special Education
To view a full list of the On-Demand Professional Development offered by the Office of Special Education visit CDE's On-Demand Professional Development Portal.
2020 Extended Evidence Outcomes (EEO)
This Standards and Instructional Support (SIS) sub-web is dedicated to the Extended Evidence Outcomes of the Colorado Academic Standards. The EEOs are written for students with significant cognitive support needs.
For the Alternate Achievement Standards and Alternate Assessment Participation Guidelines guidance:
Quality Indicators
The Quality Indicators offer guidance to educators and administrators when developing, implementing, and evaluating quality programs and services for students with the most significant needs.
The SSN Resource page contains numerous website resources and inclusion videos.
Significant Support Needs Advisory Council
The SSN Advisory Council is comprised of teachers, administrators, related service personnel, professors from Institutions of Higher Education, and parents from throughout Colorado. This group advises the Colorado Department of Education on the statewide needs of this population and those who serve them. Their expertise is utilized for work groups to develop trainings and products to assist educational teams in meeting the needs of this very diverse population.
CONNECT Listserv
The CONNECT (Connect to Networking, News, and Encouragement for Caring Teachers) listserv is a place for teachers and service providers working with students with significant support needs to find information, encouragement, and networking opportunities.
We know that those working with students with significant needs often may be isolated and lack the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues or find the expertise they need in a timely and safe setting. This is a place to ask questions, have discussions and share ideas with those in the field that are having the same experiences.
To subscribe to the CONNECT listserv:
- Please complete the online listserv subscription request, CONNECT Listserv Subscription.
- Once you have been added, you will receive a confirmation email
For more information about Significant Support Needs, contact:
Gina Herrera
Email Gina Herrera
Phone: (303) 253-0451
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