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Public School Finance Act of 1994 - FY2019-20
FY 2019-20
Funding Calculation
Full Day Kindergarten Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment Funds
- Full-Day Kindergarten FFE Funding Fact Sheet
- Full-Day Kindergarten FFE 2019-20 Final Funding Calculations
- HB19-1055
Note: The below comparisons do not include projected full-day kindergarten funding as this is a separate bill. CDE is working with the Legislative Council on the details of the full-day kindergarten projected numbers.
- Comparison of FY 2019-20 January Governor's Budget Request to SB19-246 as Introduced
- Comparison of FY 2018-19 Supplemental Request to FY 2019-20 Revised January 2019 Governor's Budget Request
- Comparison of FY 2019-20 Original Governor's Budget Request to Revised January 2019 Budget Request
- Comparison of FY 2018-19 per HB18-1379 to FY 2019-20 Governor's November 2018 Budget Request
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