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Facility Schools Board

Colorado Facility Schools Board of Education (CFSBE)

At its December meeting, the Facility Schools Board held a rulemaking hearing and voted to approve amendments to 1 CCR 304-1 Rules for the Administration of the Facility Schools Act. Details on the rule filing can be found here. A redline and clean version of the revised rules may be found below. Once the rules have been reviewed and approved by the Attorney General's Office, the adopted rules be posted on the Office of Facility Schools website.

Meetings of the Facility Schools Board are open to the public. The Facility Schools Board will allow time for public comment at the beginning of each meeting. Guidelines for public comment include - 3 minutes per person, with a maximum of 10 people (30 minutes total); requests for public comment must be submitted to Darren Serrato,   no later than the Tuesday two days before the meeting- information should include name, group or entity represented, and topic. Public Comment Sign-up Sheet 

Information regarding public comment:


§  Introduce yourself and where you are from. If you are speaking on behalf of an organization, identify the organization and your association.

DO: (Continued)

§  If speaking to a specific agenda item, limit your remarks to the subject of the agenda item and avoid repeating what others have said.

§  Be brief, to the point, and concise.

§  If you believe an issue needs to be explained in-depth, and you bring handouts, please pass them to staff prior to making your comments. Be sure to include your name and date of the meeting on the handout.


§  Expect the board to answer any questions you may have.

§  Expect the board to be able to intervene with local school district issues. As Colorado is a local control state, district-specific issues should be resolved locally.

    If you have questions about state law and local requirements, CDE staff may be able to assist you in finding an appropriate way to address your concerns.

§  Discuss personnel matters with the board. This should be done in private with the chair and/or vice-chair of the board.



Accommodation Notice:    

  • If you plan to attend a meeting and need accommodations, please notify Lori Kochevar,, at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting date. Advance notice allows CDE time to set up requested accommodations before the meeting. 

If you have requested accommodations for a meeting and are then unable to attend, we ask for at least a 72-hour notice of cancellation, so that CDE can be proactive with cancelling requested accommodation services ahead of the meeting. Thank you!







  • Minutes - January 9, 2025, CFSBE (DOC)
  • Minutes - February 13, 2025, CFSBE (DOC)
  • Minutes - March 13, 2025, CFSBE (DOC)
  • Minutes - April 10, 2025, CFSBE (DOC)
  • Minutes - May 8, 2025, CFSBE (DOC)
  • Minutes - June 12, 2025, CFSBE (DOC)