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Facility Schools Academics
The Office of Facility Schools adopted curriculum guides for grades k-12 in Reading, Writing, Mathematics, and Science in 2015. The guides are aligned to the Colorado Academic Standards. The Office of Facility Schools has identified Safety Net Standards for all approved facility schools. They are those concepts and skills identified as most essential for students, at each grade level, to master.
The Office of Standards and Instructional Support has also worked with school districts across the state to develop sample curriculum for schools and districts to utilize in all content areas and grade levels. Facility schools are able to access and utilize the Colorado District Sample Curriculum Project resources for those content areas not yet adopted by the Office of Facility Schools. For additional information about the Colorado Academic Standards
To access the facility school’s curriculum resources please contact Tara Butler or 720-665-0722
Extended Evidence Outcomes (EEOs)
The Extended Evidence Outcomes were developed for a small and specific group of students, those who have been identified with a significant cognitive disability. More information and access to the Extended Evidence Outcomes are available on the Standards and Instruction page.
Graduation Requirements for Approved Facility Schools
The Facility Schools Act of 2008 [22-2-401 C.R.S.] gives the Facility Schools Board the authority to award high school diplomas to students receiving their educational services through approved facility schools. It directs the Facility Schools Board to establish procedures by which a student will apply to receive a high school diploma and the requirements that a student must meet in order to be awarded such a diploma by the Facility Schools Board.
Please contact Ann Symalla for graduation application and/or independent living checklist.
Multilingual Supports
The Office of Facility Schools follows state guidance to identify multilingual students (MLs) and provide support to students who are working towards English proficiency. For more information on the identification and support of ML students in Colorado, see the Office of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education web page. Please contact Annie Haskins for support with MLs in facility schools.
Social/Emotional Wellness
The Office of Facility Schools supports social/emotional wellness with 7 Mindsets and BASE. All approved facility schools have access to curriculum resources, lessons, assessments and tools both systems offer.
Contact Wendy Dunaway for information and access
Facility Schools' State Assessment Information
All students in facility schools participate in state assessments, which include:
- CMAS – Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science and Social Studies
- CoAlt - Alternate Science and Social Studies
- CoAlt – Alternate English Language Arts and Mathematics (DLM)
- Colorado SAT and PSAT
- English Language Proficiency Assessments
Common Assessments
The Office of Facility Schools utilizes two common assessments for Reading and Math. These are diagnostic assessments that inform classroom instruction, as well as progress monitoring to measure progress and growth given the mobility of most students in facility schools.
- i-Ready - elementary students
- IXL - secondary students
Contact Lori Kochevar or Celina Ulibarri for tech support. Contact Tara Butler for implementation support
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