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Facility Schools Workgroup
Facility Schools Workgroup
Background Information
During the 2021 legislative session, the Colorado General Assembly passed Senate Bill 21-274 (PDF), Sustainable Model to Serve Facility Students. The bill created a workgroup to identify a potential sustainable model that is not embedded in the child welfare system, to better serve students along the continuum for services, and to address the insufficient capacity for services across the state. The workgroup submitted a final report of its recommendations to the department and Joint Budget Committee.
Senate Bill 23-219 (PDF), concerning services to support students eligible to enroll in facility schools was passed during the 2023 legislative session. The bill addressed each of the workgroup recommendations - a new funding model for facility schools; a new school type to address current capacity challenges; an accreditation system for facility schools; a grant to support shared operational services among facility schools; a technical assistance center to support rural and remote school districts in serving students with exceptionally severe and specialized needs; and a resource guide developed by various state agencies in how to establish an approved facility school. The workgroup will continue to monitor progress of implementation of changes to the facility school system and report to the Joint Budget Committee annually.
Workgroup reports to the JBC
SB23-219 reports of the work group:
Final SB21-274 Workgroup Report
Facility Schools Shared Operational Services Grant
Senate Bill 23-219 created the Shared Operational Services Grant, which is intended to support all approved facility schools in Colorado, in cost savings for shared services and purchasing. Operational services may include but are not limited to such things as food services, janitorial services, technology support, security, transportation, accounting/billing, or purchasing. This is a two-year grant, intended to fund a single applicant.
This grant program exists to identify the types of services needed by facility schools; determine which services could be shared for cost savings; identify purchasing opportunities that could provide cost savings to facility schools; create a plan with a structure/framework to organize and coordinate shared purchases and services; ensure a level of sustainability to maintain following the grant; and analyze cost savings for facility schools.
The State Board voted to approve Colorado Association of Family & Children's Agencies (CAFCA) as the grant recipient.
2024-2025 Meeting Dates and Information
Meetings of the Facility Schools Workgroup will be held remotely. The meetings are open to the public; however, only working group members have an active role in the meetings. The workgroup will allow time for public comment at the beginning of each meeting. Guidelines for public comment include - 3 minutes per person, with a maximum of 5 people (15 minutes total); requests for public comment must be submitted to Darren Serrato, no less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting time/date - information should include name, group or entity represented, and topic.
Accommodation Notice:
- If you plan to attend a meeting and need accommodations, please notify Lori Kochevar,, at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting date. Advance notice allows CDE time to set up requested accommodations before the meeting.
- If you have requested accommodations for a meeting and are then unable to attend, we ask for at least a 72-hour notice of cancellation, so that CDE can be proactive with cancelling requested accommodation services ahead of the meeting. Thank you!
- Friday, February 7, 2025; 9am-10:10am
- Thursday, March 6, 2025; 9am-10:30am
- Meeting Agenda (Zoom Link)
- Meeting Notes
- Thursday, April 3, 2025; 9am-10:30am
- Meeting Agenda (Zoom Link)
- Meeting Notes
- Friday, May 2, 2025; 9am-10:30am
- Meeting Agenda (Zoom Link)
- Meeting Notes
- Thursday, June 5, 2025; 9am-10:30am
- Meeting Agenda (Zoom Link)
- Meeting Notes
- School Districts
- Board of Cooperative Education Services
- Special Education Directors
- Facility Schools and Facility Schools Board Members
- Department of Health Care Policy and Financing
- Department of Education
- Department of Human Services, including Division of Youth Services
- County Departments of Human Services
- Parents
- Eligible facilities
Member list
Sarah Baumgartner
Laurie Burney
Danny Combs
Kari Chapman
Wendy Dunaway
Mylynda Herrick
Kathleen Homan
Sonjia Hunt
David Molineux
Erin Osterhaus
Steven Ramirez
Deon Roberts
Robin Singer
Judy Stirman
Ann Symalla
Lindsey Tapp
Barb Taylor
Kevin Tracy
Susan Udenberg
Callan Ware
Laura Writebol
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