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Facility Schools Special Education
Exceptional Children's Education Act (ECEA)
Colorado's Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Project Education
Facility Schools utilize Project Education, a web-based platform, to manage Special Education student data and documentation. Please contact Dede Landry or Annie Haskins for support when using this platform for facility school students, or to request a Project Education account.
Monitoring Forms
- Monitoring Checklist/Report (PDF)
- File Review Checklist (XLS)
- File Review Checklist - 15 and Under (XLS)
Quality Standards
The Quality Standards for Approved Schools were developed jointly by the Colorado Department of Education and representatives of Eligible Facilities. The standards are intended to define indicators of a quality education program and to provide a framework for self-assessment and school improvement planning and to guide monitoring. The goal is that this effort will make significant improvements in the quality of educational services to students.
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