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Native American Language & Culture Instructor Authorization DRAFT Rule
Draft Rule for the Native American Language and Culture Instructor Authorization
4.18 Authorization: Native American Language & Culture Instructor
The native American language and culture instructor authorization may be issued for five years, at the request of an employing school district and with documented evidence of need, to an applicant who:
4.18(1) qualifies for an adjunct instructor authorization as specified in section 4.01 of these rules; or
4.18(2) has demonstrated expertise in a native American language of a federally recognized tribe by:
4.18(2)(a) providing evidence of demonstrated expertise in a native American language of a federally recognized tribe, as verified by the employing school district; and
4.18(2)(b) identifying a partnering, licensed teacher, as verified by the employing school district; and
4.18(2)(c) meeting the following objective standards, as verified by the employing school district:
4.18(2)(c)(i) is able to listen, speak, read and write the native American language identified, at a proficient level, for the purposes of interpersonal, interpretive and presentational communication.
4.18(2)(c)(ii) is knowledgeable about the language and culture, can describe their interrelationships, and is able to articulate to students, other educators and interested stakeholders:
4.18(2)(c)(ii)(A) perspectives related to historic and contemporary ideas, attitudes and values of the members of native American society, their history and the language(s) they speak
4.18(2)(c)(ii)(B) the practices within a society that are based on historical, geographical and sociological influences representative of the culture of the native American language being taught.
4.18(2)(c)(ii)(C) the contributions and achievements of the culture to the fields of literature, the arts, science, mathematics, business, technology and other related and appropriate areas.
4.18(2)(c))(ii)(D) the geographic, economic, social and political features of traditional and contemporary cultures associated with the native American language being taught, and
4.18(2)(c)(ii)(E) is able to create a learning environment which accepts, encourages and promotes the culture and language that native American language speakers bring into the classroom.
4.18(3) Holders of a native American language and culture instruction authorization are prohibited from teaching any subject other than the native American language for which they have demonstrated expertise.
4.18(4) The native American language and culture instruction authorization may, at the request of the employing school district and with documented evidence of continuing need, be renewed by the applicant for five years.
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