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Career and Technical Education
The PWR of Career and Technical Education (CTE) In Colorado
CDE’s Postsecondary Workforce Readiness team partners with Colorado Community College System (CCCS) to provide support and resources for K-12 CTE programs. Whether or not you have a CTE program in your school, there are helpful resources for work-based learning on the CTE pages to the right.
- 276,290 students (K-12) are enrolled in CTE programs in 401 high schools
- 74,776 students are enrolled in 18 community college CTE programs
Expanding pathways from high school to postsecondary opportunities is essential for preparing students for success after high school. CTE programs help students develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to be postsecondary and workforce ready.
Colorado Career Clusters
The Six Career Clusters Include:
- Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Energy
- Engineering, Technology, and Media Arts
- Skilled Trades and Technical Sciences
- Business, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Finance, and Public Administration
- Hospitality, Human Services, and Education
- Health Science, Criminal Justice, and Public Safety
Career & Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs)
CTSO programs help students build leadership skills, promote positive work values, and reinforce the CTE curriculum.
Some CTSOs across the state are:
- DECA: Marketing
- FBLA: Future Business Leaders of America
- FCCLA: Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
- FFA: Colorado Future Farmers of America
- HOSA: Future Health Professionals
- (SC)2: for Alternative Cooperative Education (ACE) students
- SkillsUSA: technical, skilled, and service careers
- TSA: Technology Student Association
Click here for CTSO Information
CTE Advisory Committees
In order to prepare students for career success, it’s important that work-based learning (WBL) programs are industry-led. CTE programs are overseen by Advisory Committees with relevant representatives from your local industry partners.
See the Advisory Committee Handbook here
Our Partnership
Career & Technical Education is not a Colorado Department of Education program. The CDE Postsecondary Workforce Readiness team partners closely with our CTE colleagues; feel free to reach out to us if we can help steer you towards the resources and contacts at Colorado CTE.
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