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Comprehensive ELG Grantee Resources



Comprehensive Early Literacy Grant Purpose 

The Comprehensive ELG Program provides money to local education providers (LEPs) to implement literacy support and intervention instruction programs to help kindergarten through third-grade students achieve reading competency. The Comprehensive ELG Program is focused on system-wide early literacy efforts and implementing and sustaining scientifically and evidence-based reading instruction. It is designed to improve students’ reading competency by supporting local education providers’ establishment of the essential components of reading instruction into kindergarten through third grade (K-3) teaching structures.

This grant is implemented as a four-year grant cycle. Year 1 of the grant cycle serves as a planning and initial implementation year, followed by three years of operationalizing the grant. Upon completion of the four year cycle, grantees will have the opportunity to apply for an additional one-year Sustainability Grant. Click the image above to learn more about the Comprehensive ELG and to access Comprehensive ELG resources. 


Implementation Resources

Requests for Applications (RFA)

Webinars, Trainings, and Professional Development


ELG Compliance & Expectations (1:00:02)

Literacy Evaluation Tool (LET) Webinar (42:38)

Cohorts 5, 6, & 7 MOY Goal Reporting (29:18)


Amplify Resources

mCLASS DIBELS® 8th Edition Resources

2024-2025 mCLASS DIBELS® 8th Edition Progress Planning Growth Tools