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Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Reports
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Reports
Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), State Education Agencies are required to prepare and disseminate an annual state report that meets the minimum requirements described in federal law. The following chapters address these requirements and provide additional information regarding the characteristics and performance of various student groups in Colorado.
Local Educational Agency (LEA) reports can be found on the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Local Reports webpage.
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Chapter 1: Colorado's Accountability System and Supports to Identified Schools
This chapter provides an introduction to the state report, as well as a description of Colorado’s accountability system under ESSA and the supports provided to identified schools. The information in this chapter includes:
- The long-term goals and measurements of interim progress;
- A description of Colorado’s system for meaningfully differentiating all public schools, including the indicators and methods used,
- The names of all schools identified for comprehensive or targeted support and improvement, and
- The supports provided to the identified schools with Title I School Improvement (Section 1003) funds.
Chapter 2: Performance of all K-12 Students
This chapter includes information regarding student achievement and growth on academic assessments, the progress of English learners on achieving English language proficiency and results on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Graduation and dropout rates are also presented, as well as progress towards meeting the long-term goals. Rates of suspensions and expulsions and the number of students enrolled in preschool programs and in accelerated coursework are also included. Information is presented for all students, as well as for the following student groups: major racial and ethnic groups, economically disadvantaged students, children with disabilities and English learners. When applicable, information is also presented by gender, migrant status, homeless status, status as a child in foster care and status as a student with a parent who is a member of the Armed Forces on active duty.
Download Chapter 2:
Chapter 3: Student Access to Quality Teachers
This chapter provides information on the professional qualifications of teachers in Colorado. Comparisons are made between high-poverty and low-poverty schools regarding the number of inexperienced teachers, the number of teachers with emergency or provisional credentials and the number of teachers not teaching in the subject area for which they are certified.
Download Chapter 3:
Additional Reports for Disaggregated Groups
The U.S. Department of Education has developed a Parent Guide to State and Local Reports, which is helpful for explaining ESSA Reports with families, parents, and community members.
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