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CoMath Listserv
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CoMath Listserv
CoMath is a listserv designed to bring content, news, and information to support quality mathematics education to educators in Colorado. CoMath is Colorado's original social network for mathematics educators, and owes its origins to rural math teachers from around the state who started the listserv in the 1990s. Today, CoMath generally features:
- 1-3 posts per week from members with information about events, professional learning opportunities, job postings, news items of interest, or questions for the field
- Regular posts from Raymond Johnson, CDE Mathematics Content Specialist, about the latest in mathematics education
- Moderated, non-commercial content
Managing Your CoMath Subscription
- To subscribe, send an email to with the single line "subscribe comath firstname lastname" in the body (without the quotes), replacing "firstname lastname" with your name.
- To send email to the list, send your message to
- To unsubscribe, send an email to
For questions about CoMath, or to inquire about having an item included in a CoMath Update, email Raymond Johnson.
A Short History of CoMath
Did you know that CoMath dates back to 1993? It is Colorado's original math teacher social network. It originated as part of the Adventures in Supercomputing project, hosted by Dr. Pat Burns and Dr. Dave Zachmann, and it allowed teachers to collaborate on a computing research project. Later, the email group grew into more of a general-purpose math education mailing list, and it was managed by Tom Hibbs and Glenn Bruckhart. Around 2003, hosting of CoMath was moved to CDE as part of the MathStar program, an effort by the U.S. Department of Education to improve mathematics teaching through greater use of technology and collaboration, and it's been hosted by CDE ever since but remains a product of its community and contributors.
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