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PD for ME (Professional Development for Math Educators)

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As part of House Bill 23-1231: Improving Mathematics Outcomes in K-12, CDE partnered with TNTP to provide a no-cost professional development course covering high quality, evidence-informed math instructional practices. Monthly enrollment is available for the online, asynchronous course, Powerful Practice: Evidence-Informed Math Teaching. Colorado educators, school administrators, out-of-school time professionals and other supporting professionals can pre-register at any time. Once registered, TNTP will enroll registrants in the following month's cohort. 


Thank you for your tremendous response to the Powerful Practice: Evidence-Informed Math Teaching course. Due to the overwhelming interest, online registration for the 2024-25 school year is now closed. If you would like to participate in the June 2025 cohort, complete the pre-registration form for priority registration in 2025. In the interim, reach out to us at if you would like to discuss other math education professional development opportunities.   

Who’s it for?

All Colorado Math educators and those who support them, including:


  • All Pre-K and elementary teachers
  • Secondary Math teachers
  • Administrators supporting elementary or math teachers
  • Paraprofessionals
  • Out-of-school time professionals
  • Math tutors
  • Tribal Education Agencies
  • District and BOCES personnel
  • Charter school instructional staff

When is it?

The course launched in June 2024 and each month registrants are added to the class list until the course reaches capacity for the year (750 registrants). Once registered, participants will have access to all course material for 12 months. There will be additional opportunities for schools, districts, BOCES or other educational organizations to organize cohorts, with assistance from CDE, to help support participants with online meetings and discussion guides to structure deep discussions that can lead to greater impact on practice in the classroom.

Sounds great, where can I register?

Sign up by pre-registering

What’s in it?

The course supports educators to develop an understanding of evidence-informed instructional methods to teach math to students in grades K-12, with particular attention paid to teaching students who are below grade level or struggling in math, children with disabilities and students who are English language learners. The online curriculum allows participants to work independently or with a cohort supported by regular discussions. The titles of the 14, 1-hour modules are below with detailed descriptions of specific module objectives found on the table of contents for the course.


  • How the Brain Learns Math: An Overview
  • Rigor: Let your standards be your guide
  • Procedural Fluency and Conceptual Understanding: Two sides of the same coin
  • Fluency: It’s more than speed
  • Learning Goals: Focus on the math not the trick
  • Learning Goals: What’s language got to do with it?
  • Math Tasks: What’s in a task?
  • Representations: Opening the doors to mathematical ideas
  • Word Problems: The problem with key words
  • Discourse: Look who’s talking now
  • Questioning: Assessing and Advancing Student Understanding
  • Expectations: Power of asset-based language
  • Just in Time Supports: Moving beyond remediation to accelerate learning
  • Putting it all together

Additional Related Resources:

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