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Goals & Standards - Relationship between Numbers and Quantities

Relationships between Numbers and Quantities - Grade: Kindergarten.

Mathematical Goals

This toolkit will address counting to tell the number of objects. This lesson will help you assess how well students understand the concepts of (K.CC.B.4):

  • Counting and Cardinality: Count to determine the number of objects. 
  • Understand that the last number name tells the number of objects counted
  • The quantity of objects is the same, regardless of arrangement or order.
  • Determining “how many” after counting the last object.
  • Using the strategy of counting on, without recounting, when an additional object is added.

Meets either Colorado academic standards or mathematical practice standards

Colorado Academic Standards

Visit the Resource Bank to learn more

Meets either Colorado academic standards or mathematical practice standards

Mathematical Practice Standards

Math practice standards are thinking strategies for developing skills and habits in math learning. They focus on concepts to cultivate proficiency and prepare students for real-world applications.

“These practices rest on important ‘processes and proficiencies’ with longstanding importance in mathematics education.” The Math Practices describe ways in which students ought to engage with the content as they grow in their mathematical expertise. 

Check out these videos to learn more:  Adult-Focused Video & Student-Focused Video 

This lesson relates to the following Standards for Mathematical Practice (MP)

  • MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively
  • MP3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 
  • MP7: Look for and make use of the structure

Mathematics academic standards. CDE. (n.d.)