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Initial Teacher License for In-State Applicants
Preparing to Apply
This checklist is for ...
Colorado-approved teacher preparation program completers wishing to apply for their first Colorado teacher license (not CTE authorizations or alternative teacher credentials)
Not in the right place? Review the other checklists.
- An earned bachelor's or higher degree from a regionally accredited college or university;
- Completion of an approved teacher preparation program (traditional or alternative), including student teaching; and
- Demonstration of content competency for the requested content area(s))
- Be sure to review the endorsement page to ensure your meet Colorado's requirements!
Plan Ahead
- You will need electronic copies of all requested documentation.
- Allow ample time to request any third-party transcripts or other documentation.
- Be sure also to review the application process.
Base Application Fee:
License Expires:
3 years from date of issue
Gather the Necessary Information/Documentation
You will need the following* to submit a complete application for a teacher license:
- A valid form of government-issued identification.
- A copy of an official transcript for every college/university attended. [Unofficial transcripts are never accepted. Do not include them in your application.]
- Of these transcripts, at least one must be an official, degree-conferred transcript from a regionally accredited college or university that demonstrates a bachelor's or higher degree.
- Transcripts from institutions outside the US must be in English or include an authentic English translation and have been evaluated by a NACES member organization for course-by-course equivalency.
- Important note: Do not request transcripts to be sent to CDE. They must be included in your application. (Transcripts received at CDE will be shredded for your protection.)
- An approved program verification form (APV) completed by the registrar or certification officer of the college/university where you completed your teacher preparation program.
- Documentation of content knowledge for each endorsement requested, to include one or more of the following:
- A score report for any Colorado State Board of Education-approved exam passed;
- A completed endorsement worksheet;
- A CDE-provided Multiple Measures of Content Competency approval notice.
- All prior work experience.
- Documentation for any self-disclosures related to the following:
- Prior criminal history
- Disciplinary actions
- Issues related to licensure or employment
Then ...
- Log in to COOL to create your licensure account (if you have not already done so.)
- Submit fingerprints (via the dark blue "CDE licensure" icon) to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
- Ensure you have a current background check on file. You have 30 days from the time CDE receives your background check to apply for a license.
- If you have submitted fingerprints for CDE credentialing in the past, but allowed all credentials to lapse or did not submit within the 30-day window, you must submit a new set of fingerprints to CBI for licensure purposes.
- The status of your background checks will be noticed in your COOL account and within your application(s).
Have everything ready to go?
When you have gathered all required documentation, have submitted fingerprints to CBI for CDE licensure purposes and have reviewed the licensure process, log in to COOL to complete and submit a TEACHER application.
Final Reminders
At the risk of repeating ourselves, we again reiterate these important reminders:
- You have 30 days from the time CDE receives your background checks to submit an application or you will need to submit a new set of fingerprints for licensure purposes at the time of application.
- By submitting an application, you are verifying that you have submitted fingerprints for CDE licensure purposes, provided all requested documentation and answered all questions truthfully.
- Within 45 days of receipt, CDE will evaluate the application.
- Upon determination of qualification, CDE will notify the applicant and the corresponding certificate will be available for view or print in the individual's COOL account.
- Should the application be found incomplete, CDE will notify the applicant to specify the information needed to complete it.
- Notifications will be sent via email and available in your COOL account.
- An applicant has 60 days from the date of this notification to cure the deficiency (i.e., provide the necessary information or submit background checks) or submit to the department a written request for reconsideration stating the basis for the request. Additional time is not granted to those who receive this notification due to background checks. Any additional deficiency noticed also will need to be cured within the original 60-day period.
- CDE will provide a written response within 30 days of any request for reconsideration.
- Requests for reconsideration do not apply to background checks.
- An applicant who fails to cure the deficiency or request reconsideration within these 60 days will be deemed as having withdrawn the application, and such withdrawal shall not be subject to appeal or review.
- State statute prohibits the refunding of any application evaluation fee.
- Once you have submitted an application, it is your responsibility to check your COOL account regularly for notifications on its status and/or to print a copy of your certificate.
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