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Session 3 - Describe Fractions and Place Fractions on a Number Line
Collaborative Activity #2 (15 - 20 minutes):
Activity: Fraction Sort & Answers
- Cut out page two of Fraction Sort which has fraction bars and number lines.
- Match students with a partner and have them sit facing each other.
- They will need one set of fraction bar cards and one set of number lines.
- Direct one student to mix up all the cards and place them face down on the desk.
- Students take turns turning over 2 cards at a time. When the two cards match, the student who matches them then keeps the cards. If the two cards do not match, turn them back over.
- The next student takes a turn by flipping over two cards looking for a match.
- Continue like this until all cards are matched.
- Next, complete the worksheet as the same partners or individually.
- Students read the written fraction on the worksheet and glue the corresponding bars and lines next to it.
- Fraction Sort & Answers
Why are students doing this/what are they getting out of it?
Students will cut out fraction cards and number lines and match them to their correct fraction.
Progress Monitoring:
- Be sure to take notes with the Progress Monitoring chart
- Use the progress monitoring chart to note if students can recognize the numerator and denominator. Mark if students can correctly shade the fraction shown.
- There is a notes section to write down any other observations.
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