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READ and HB 15-1323
Changes to Required K – 3 Reading Assessments in HB 15-1323
At the kindergarten level, HB 15-1323 provides a 90 day window at the beginning of the school year for districts to must administer an approved reading interim assessment to kindergarteners. If a district administers the READ Act assessment in the first 60 days of the school year, it is not required to administer the literacy component of the school readiness assessment. For students identified with a significant reading deficiency, the teacher must administer a diagnostic assessment to the student within 60 days of the previous assessment to determine the student’s specific reading skill deficiencies. Furthermore, if a kindergarten student is identified as having a significant reading deficiency, the district will include the student’s READ plan as a component of the student’s school readiness plan, which is consistent with the READ Act and with past CDE’s guidance to the field.
For students grades K – 3, changes to the READ Act related to the testing window for diagnostic assessment and students who demonstrate reading competency. For students identified with a significant reading deficiency, the teacher must administer a diagnostic assessment to the student within 60 days of the previous assessment to determine the student’s specific reading skill deficiencies. Districts are not required to administer READ Act interim assessments for students demonstrating reading competency for their grade level throughout the remainder of the specific school year. CDE worked over the summer with the assessment providers of the approved READ Act assessments to identify cut-scores for grade level reading competency to help guide districts in making a decision about whether or not a student is demonstrating reading competency for his/her grade level.
**NOTE: For those participating in special projects such as Early Literacy Grant (ELG) or Early Literacy Assessment Tool (ELAT), additional guidance will be provided through the project managers.
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