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Title III Resources and Guidance
- Title III Webinars:
- Title III, Part A New Quick Reference
- ESSA Dear Colleague Letter (January 28, 2015)
- Dear Colleague Letter on the Transition to ESSA (December 18, 2015)
Title III Notification
- Sample Parent Notification Letter - This letter includes the minimum essential elements that are required by Title III Sec. 3302 for parent notification. Districts may use this letter or compose their own letter addressing all required elements.
EL Data Dig Manual
Title III USDE Monitoring - September, 2010
- Title III - USDE Monitoring Webinar
- Title III - USDE Fiduciary Findings Memo
- Title III - USDE Private School Findings Memo
- Memo Clarifying Title III Consortia Requirements
English Language Development Guidebook: Designing, Delivering and Evaluating Services for Multilingual Learners
This guidebook provides assistance to Colorado educators, administrators and school board members in their continuing efforts to address the linguistic and educational needs of multilingual learners by sharing information on legislated and judicially mandated policies as well as best practices and program procedures.
Guidebook: Designing, Delivering and Evaluating Services for Multilingual Learners
U.S. Department of Education: English Learner Toolkit
U.S. Department of Education: English Learner Toolkit
The U.S. Departments of Education (ED) and Justice (DOJ) released joint guidance on January 7, 2015, reminding states, school districts and schools of their obligations under federal law to ensure that English Learners have equal access to a high-quality education and the opportunity to achieve their full academic potential. In this context, the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) at the U.S. Department of Education has provided the English Learner (EL) Tool Kit, a companion to the Office for Civil Rights and Department of Justice “Dear Colleague Letter” (DCL). The tool kit is designed to help state and local education agencies (SEAs and LEAs) in meeting their legal obligations to ELs and in providing all ELs with the support needed to attain English language proficiency while meeting college- and career-readiness standards. The EL Tool Kit is intended primarily for state, district, school administrators, and teachers, but may also inform other stakeholders concerned with the education of ELs.
For Additional Information Contact:
Rachel Temple, ESEA Title III Specialist
Email Rachel Temple
Kim Boylan, ESEA Title III Monitoring Specialist
Email Kim Boylan
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