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MSL/O System Efficiency

Local Flexibility for Educator Evaluations. Educators Matter.

Promising practices of flexibilities, efficiencies, and differentiation creating measures of a student learning/outcomes (MSL/Os) system

Did You Know?

Because districts/BOCES have autonomy to create their MSL/O systems, processes can be put into place to assign and rate the selected measures.

Ideas for Creating MSL/O System Efficiencies

Example of connecting assessment tools to MSL/Os

One district uses an outside tool that collects local assessment data for its educators. The district customized the tool to capture MSL/Os for educators. IT's able to export this information out and upload the points earned for its educators using the Colorado Performance Management System or RANDA to complete the MSL/O portion of the evaluations while fully using the system to capture the professional practices information.

Colorado Stories Creating MSL/O System Efficiencies

Coming soon!

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