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Opening of School 2020-21 Preschool Through 3rd Grade
Jump to a READ Act topic:
- K-3 Evidence Based Training in Teaching Reading
- New READ Act UIP Requirements 2020-21
- Advisory Lists of Instructional Programs and Professional Development
- READ Act Assessments
- Identification of a Significant Reading Deficiency
- READ Plan Initiation and Services
- Resources
K-3 Evidence Based Training in Teaching Reading
Information related to the teacher training required by the READ Act, including an FAQ, can be found on the K-3 Teacher Evidence Based Reading Training Requirements webpage.
New READ Act UIP Requirements 2020-21
What are the new READ Act UIP Requirements?
Beginning in 2020-21, Colorado school districts are required to report K-3 literacy instructional programming in their district Unified Improvement Plan. Visit the Unified Improvement Planning webpage for the most up-to-date resources and information, and register for a technical assistance webinar below.
New READ Act UIP Requirements Webinar Recording
Audience: School and District Administrators and Staff
Date: Friday September 4th from 9:00 am- 9:45 am MST
Description: Reporting Early Literacy Instructional Programming and READ/ELG funded teacher development in the UIP. A short Q and A was included to address questions.
Visit the UIP Training page to view a recording of the webinar.
*In the webinar, an updated submission template was referenced. See links below to download the updated submission template and submission guide:
- Updated 20-21 UIP/READ Act Requirements Submission Template
- Updated 20-21 UIP/READ Act Requirements Submission Guide
Advisory Lists of Instructional Programs and Professional Development
Is the 2020 English Advisory List of Instructional Programs complete?
The 2020 READ Act Instructional Programming Advisory List has been updated and posted to the website. The review of English core, supplemental, and intervention programming is almost complete. As of August 2020, there are 2 remaining English supplemental/intervention programs. The vendor has requested a face-to-face review of these programs when we have the ability to gather groups of reviewers in person.
Is the 2020 Spanish Advisory List of Instructional Programs complete?
Spanish instructional programs are currently under review for vendors who submitted digital materials. Vendors were given the option to defer their review until face-to-face reviews can be established, most likely this fall. Additional Spanish instructional programs may be posted as the review process is completed. If you have questions about specific programs, please email for more information.
How can I learn more about the instructional review process?
Please visit the 2020 Instructional Program Review Process page to learn more about the review process and view or download blank copies of the vendor application and blank copies of the rubrics used for review.
How can I find more information about programs that are not on the approved list?
Stakeholders interested in learning more about specific programs not on the list are encouraged to email related questions to
Can I view the completed rubrics for programs that were reviewed and approved/not approved?
Yes. The completed rubrics for approved CORE programs are posted on the advisory list page. Email to request copies of any other completed review rubrics. Please include the name of the vendor/publisher and program when making a request.
Some core programs are only approved for certain grades. Why are some grades not approved?
The rubric for instructional program review contains specific criteria for each grade, based on the continuum of skills learned at each grade level in each area of reading. Each submitted program was reviewed at each grade level. Some programs met criteria at certain grade levels and not at other grade levels. Email to request more information about specific programs.
READ Act Assessments
What is the READ Act assessment timeline this fall? Has the timeline changed?
The READ Act assessment timeline is defined by the Colorado READ Act (CRS 22-7-1205) and the Rules for the Administration of the READ Act (1 CCR 201-92 3.01 (A-D)). These timeline requirements have not changed. Assessment timelines may vary from district to district, depending on the date of the first day of school in each district.
Interim Assessment:
Kindergarten: administer during the first 90 days of the school year. If administered within the first 60 calendar days of the school year, districts are not required to administer the literacy component of the school readiness assessment. (Rules, 3.01 A)
Grades 1-3: administer within 30 calendar days of a student's first day of attendance. (Rules, 3.01 B)
Diagnostic Assessment (only required to be administered to students whose score falls below the cut-score on the interim assessment) :
K-3: administer within 60 calendar days of the initial administration of the interim reading assessment. (Rules, 3.01 D)
Assessment-specific vendor guidance for remote administration can be found on the READ Act assessment webpages:
How can we maintain reliability and validity of assessments in a remote learning environment?
Assessment specific vendor guidance for remote administration of assessments can be found on the READ Act assessment webpages:
How can we ensure that the use of READ Act assessment data is meaningful, considering COVID-related school disruption?
The purposes of READ Act assessments are critical to keep in mind in the current context of school disruption and potential learning loss. Effective use of READ Act assessment data should assist in:
- identification of student risk for reading difficulty
- identification of specific skill deficits
- planning for instruction (at a student and system level)
- gauging effectiveness of instruction (at a student and system level)
Assessment information should be used at a student and system level. When analyzing READ Act assessment data, consider using the guiding questions from this resource: Outcomes Driven Model Guiding Questions.
Identification of a Significant Reading Deficiency
Has the criteria/process for identification of a Significant Reading Deficiency (SRD) changed since the 2019-20 school year?
Yes. On March 12th, 2020 the State Board of Education finalized the updated Rules for the Administration of the Colorado READ Act, 1 CCR 301-92.
One of the changes is related to the identification of an SRD. Rules state that in grades K-3, determination that a child has a significant reading deficiency in English will be based on:
- A score below the cut score on an approved interim assessment
- Results from an approved diagnostic assessment confirming a deficiency in one or more components of reading
- A body of evidence (Rules, 3.02 (A-C))
- Body of Evidence: A collection of information about a student's academic performance which, considered in its entirety, documents the level of a student's academic performance. A body of evidence, at a minimum, shall include scores on formative or interim assessments and work that a student independently produces in a classroom, including but not limited to the school readiness assessments adopted pursuant to section 22-7-1004(2)(a), C.R.S.. A body of evidence may include scores on summative assessments if a local education provider decides that summative assessments are appropriate and useful in measuring students' literacy skills.
Can we delay the identification of a Significant Reading Deficiency due to COVID-related school disruption?
READ Act assessment timelines have not changed, and are defined by:
However, the criteria for identification of an SRD have changed (see Q&A above), which may in some cases impact (lengthen) the timeline of identification. For example, a student may be assessed with an interim assessment within the first 30 days of attendance and fall below the cut-score for an SRD. Within 60 days of this interim assessment, an approved diagnostic assessment must be given to determine/confirm specific areas of skill deficiency. Rule specifies that during this 60 day window, the student should receive scientifically-based and evidence-based core and intervention instruction, and a body of evidence should be collected. This combination of assessment, instruction, and gathering of evidence should allow students time to respond to instruction and should support a thorough process for identification of a significant reading deficiency.
READ Plan Initiation and Services
What are the required components of a READ Plan?
- screening or interim assessment results and diagnostic assessment results including specific skill deficiencies identified
- end of year goal as well as ongoing objectives to meet the end of year goal
- aligned interventions and services that are in addition to 90 minutes of evidence-based core instruction
- progress monitoring
- specific family communication and involvement in supporting the READ plan
- supplemental services
- additional, more rigorous strategies and intervention instruction for students still identified as having an SRD for more than one year.
Visit the READ Plan Support Resources page for more information related to READ plans.
What are the requirements for READ Plan initiation this year? Can READ plan initiation be delayed due to COVID-related school disruption?
The requirements for READ plan initiation have not changed. Statute requires that a READ plan be created as soon as possible after a student's significant reading deficiency is identified. (22-7-1206 (1)(a))
Note that the changes to the criteria for identification of an SRD may impact the timeline for identification and READ plan creation (see Q&A above).
Are READ plan services still required this school year for students who are learning remotely?
Yes. Districts are required to provide READ plan services to all students with a READ plan this year, whether the student is learning in person, remotely, or in a hybrid learning scenario. While these supports may look different given the varied learning contexts anticipated in districts this year, students with a READ plan are entitled to all the supports outlined in the READ Act.
Can you provide resources for implementation of READ Plan services in a hybrid or distance-learning model?
Please see the resource list below.
- University of Florida Literacy Institute (UFLI) Virtual Teaching Hub
- National Center on Improving Literacy: Remote Literacy Learning Toolkit
- National Center on Intensive Intervention: FAQ on Progress Monitoring Virtually
- National Center on Intensive Intervention: Implementing Virtual Literacy Interventions
- Online and Hybrid Learning: An Equity Checklist for Schools
- READ Act Resources for Parents
- READ Act Interim Assessment Vendor Guidance
- READ Act Diagnostic Assessment Vendor Guidance
Jump to a section:
- Transitions
- Kindergarten School Readiness Assessment
- Individual School Readiness Plans
- Remote Instruction
- Resources
How can we support fall transition?
Please see above for information specific to preschool-Kindergarten transitions.
Kindergarten School Readiness Assessment
What are the school readiness timelines for the 2020-2021 academic year?
The school readiness assessment is required to be administered to each student enrolled in a publicly funded kindergarten within the first sixty days of the school year (§22-7-1014). The 2020-2021 data collection is paused.
What are the approved kindergarten school readiness assessments?
Information on each of the four State Board Approved school readiness assessments can be found on the assessment webpage.
What domains are required in the school readiness assessment?
The school readiness assessment is required to assess each child’s physical well-being and motor development, social and emotional development, language and comprehension development, and cognition and general knowledge (§22-7-1014). The State Board of Education defines general knowledge as literacy and mathematics.
How do we assess in a remote or hybrid learning context?
Each of the approved school readiness assessments are designed as formative assessments. These assessments are then used to inform instruction through the use of individualized school readiness plans. Evidence of a child’s knowledge, skills, and behaviors can be collected through a variety of routines within remote or hybrid contexts:
- Interactive times such as large group, small group, and one-on-one sessions
- Independent Work
- Family check-ins and dialogue
Documentation of a child’s knowledge, skills, and behaviors may include, but are not limited to:
- Work samples shared in a learning management system or digital portfolio,
- Photo and video documentation,
- Documented responses to prompts from family dialogue.
- Documentation of observations from interactive sessions
The child’s teacher assesses each child’s demonstrated knowledge in all 6 domains of learning and development using the collected documentation and finalized his/her score.
What resources are available to support assessing in remote, hybrid, or in-person contexts for the 2020-2021 academic year?
Vendor-specific guidance is available on the assessment support 2020-2021 webpage.
What training and technical assistance are offered to support the 2020-2021 assessment?
An overview of upcoming webinars, trainings, and meetings with registration for each is located on the school readiness training webpage.
Individual School Readiness Plans
Are individual school readiness plans required for the 2020-2021 academic year?
Yes, data from the school readiness assessments will be used to inform individualized school readiness plans.
What is required in an individual school readiness plan?
Individual school readiness plans are informed by the school readiness assessment to monitor a child's progress toward school readiness. Individualized readiness plans address the standards, knowledge, and skills in which a student needs additional support to make progress toward school readiness (22-7-1014).
If a student enrolled in kindergarten is identified as having a significant reading deficiency, the student's READ plan should be created as a component of the student's individualized readiness plan (22-7-1206).
Remote Instruction
What resources are available to structure and plan for remote learning?
- At-home learning:
- The National P-3 Center issued guidance on at-home teaching and learning in grades P-3. Additionally, the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center released guidance and tips on using video conferencing. For additional information on engaging and communicating with families and specific resources for trauma-informed schools, please see the resources section.
- Screen time and technology:
- The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Office of Educational Technology both have issued guidance on media use. The AAP provides guidance for families, and the Office of Educational technology provides guidance for media use in schools.
Additional information can be located on the CDE’s Office of Standards and Instructional Support website.
What resources are available to support a hybrid learning context?
Please visit the CDE’s Hybrid Learning Guide for more information.
Alaska Department of Education & Early Development (2020). Transforming Schools: A framework for trauma-engaged practice in Alaska.
CCSSO (2011). Moving forward with kindergarten readiness assessment efforts: a position paper of the early childhood education state collaborative on Assessment and student standards. Washington, DC: CCSSO
CCSSO (2018). Revising the definition of formative assessment. Washington, DC: CCSSO.
NAEYC (2018). Spotlight on young children: Observation and assessment. Washington, DC: NAEYC Books.
National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (2020). Emergencies and National Disasters: Helping Children and Families Cope.
Perry, B. (2020). Neurosequential Network: COVID-19 Stress, Distress & Trauma Series. Managing Transitions.
Samuel, A., and Tarasawa, B. (2020). The COVID-19 slide and what it could mean for student achievement. Education Commission of the States.
WestEd (May 2020). Engaging parents and students from diverse populations in the context of distance learning.
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