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The Chicano Movement Resource Set

The Chicano Movement Resource Set

The resource set includes additional sources to accompany the Primary Source Set and Lesson Ideas to help extend lessons and further student understanding.  Primary Source Analysis Worksheets are available on the Elementary Primary Source Sets main page.


West Side Recorder

Newsletter dedicated to community life in the Auraria neighborhood prior to the construction of the Auraria campus

Grape Boycott at Safeway Store

Grape Boycott at Safeway Store (Photograph)

AFL-CIO United Farm Workers of America supporters picket a Safeway Store in support of the grape boycott in Denver, Colorado.  Between 1973 and 1975.

Chester Ruiz
Chester Ruiz negotiates with police at picket line (Photograph)

                United Farm Workers of America boycott coordinator Chester Ruiz negotiates with the police on a picket line at an unidentified store in Denver, Colorado. The picketers were boycotting the sale of grapes, lettuce and Gallo Wine. c. 1971?


Picketing Super Serve Drugs

Picketing Super Serve Drugs (Photograph)

Senator Richard Castro pickets with supporters of the United Farm Workers, who include Jerry Ryan and Mike Wilzoch, in boycott of Gallo Wine at the Pecos Super Serve Drugs at West 44th Avenue and North Pecos Street in the Sunnyside neighborhood, Denver, Colorado.  1975

UFW members and supporters march down Broadway in Denver

UFW members and supporters march down Broadway in Denver (Photograph)

United Farm Workers members and supporters march down Broadway in Denver, Colorado. The people march in support of the United Farm Workers boycott of grapes, lettuce and California wine.  c. 1975?

Untitled (Photograph)

Former boxer Rodolfo (Corky) Gonzales, right, with Cesar Chavez, formed the Crusade for Justice in 1966. Denver Public Library Digital Collections/Denver Post.