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Word Bank - Interpreting Shape, Center and Spread
Word Bank
Data Distributions
When we draw a histogram of a data set, the data set will have a visual distribution that is symmetric, skewed left, skewed right, or multimodal. Please note there are other distributions and they are not just limited to the four mentioned here.
Data Points, Data values, and Observations
These all refer to the actual numbers in a table
Interquartile Range (IQR)
The middle 50% of the data given by IQR = Q3-Q1
The arithmetic average of a data set.
Measures of Center
The mean, median, and mode are all measures of center. They are terms to describe the “center” of a data set. They may not be values/points within that data set.
The middle value in an ordered array of data
The value in a data set that occurs most frequently
The data will look like it has multiple peaks
A data value that falls outside of the shape of the distribution
Distance between the largest and smallest values of a data set; Range: Maximum data value - Minimum data value
Skewed Left
The majority of the data falls on the right side of the distribution
Skewed Right
The majority of the data falls on the left side of the distribution
The way a data set “spreads” or varies throughout its values. The measures of spread are the range, Interquartile range, and standard deviation
Standard Deviation
A measure of how much we might expect a member of a data set to typically vary from the mean
A vertical line drawn through the center of the graph would give mirror images of the data on either side
Note: Visit the Background Knowledge handout to learn more about some of the concepts, ideas, and math information in this toolkit.
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