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Session 4 - Relationship between Numbers and Quantities
Step 4
Connect: Closing the Lesson (10 - 15 minutes):
Activity: Counting using a Blank Ten-Frame Chart
Activity: Counting using a Blank Ten-Frame Chart
Directions for Giving the Task:
- Each student(s) needs a blank ten-frame chart.
- Each student needs a handful of objects.
- If you’re at home, grab some small objects that can be used to count. For example, goldfish crackers, legos, or beans.
- If you’re in the classroom, use counters or blocks.
- Show a Number Card (0-10) and have student(s) place the correct number of objects on their ten-frames. Students should raise their hands when finished for the facilitator to visually check.
- Students should explain to the facilitator why they chose the answers they did. Examples of possible explanations: 7-”I know that the top half of the ten-frame is 5 and then I added 2 more.” OR 3-”I counted each box until I reached 3.”
Activity: Eye Spy a Number
- In a room, car, bus, school, or anywhere you might be - play Eye Spy.
- For example: “Clue 1: I spy 3 of something”. “Clue 2: I spy 3 of something that is orange”. “Clue 3: I Spy 3, orange things that roll”
- Everyone guesses until they get the right item. For example: “I spy 3 oranges! “
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