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Subgrantee Monitoring and Reporting
Financial Reporting Schedule
Financial reports from grant recipients are due on the following dates using CDE provided forms. The reporting window will be open on the first day of the month following the end of the reporting period and close on the last day of that same month.
DUE April 30 – IFR
- IFR/AFR Expense Form in Smartsheet
- A detailed General Ledger attached to the above IFR/AFR Smartsheet Form. Please make sure vendor information is clearly visible and that the ledger reflects the correct dates: October 1-March 31.
- All expenses filled out in the IFR tab of the AFR & Budget Template form.
DUE November 30 – AFR
- IFR/AFR Expense Form in Smartsheet
- A detailed General Ledgers attached in the above IFR/AFR Smartsheet Form. Please make sure vendor information is clearly visible and that the expenses are for the correct dates: October 1-September 30.
- Last day to request funds is November 15.
- All expenses filled out in the AFR tab of the AFR & Budget Template form.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Please ensure that you did NOT take more than 5% towards indirect/admin costs. This will be 5% of your actual expenses, NOT your approved budget.
A general ledger showing expenditures for the current reporting period is required with each report. These ledgers must track CLSD grant expenditures and revenue separately from other funding sources and must include grant code 5371 and source code 4000.
Narrative Reporting
Grantees will use the Narrative Reporting Form to report on progress twice a year, at the beginning of the school year and end of school year. Grantees should provide a brief overview of the activities they have focused on during the reporting period, covering both highlights and challenges.
Grantees may be requested to provide updates on the status of their projects outside of the official reporting schedule. These requests are made to ensure continuous oversight, address any emerging concerns, or share progress with stakeholders. Grantees are encouraged to maintain thorough and up-to-date records to facilitate timely responses to such inquiries and demonstrate their commitment to transparency and effective project management.
- Progress Report Link (Due October 31st)
- Progress Report PDF
Site Visits or Desktop Reviews
Grantees are required to actively participate in site visits or desktop reviews as part of the grant monitoring process. The goal of these reviews is to ensure compliance with grant requirements, assess program performance, and identify areas for improvement. The Program Manager will communicate the process for a desktop review or site visit, ensuring grantees have ample time to prepare the necessary materials for evaluation.
Directions for Completing Quarterly and Annual Financial Reports
- Save Ledger: Save a detailed ledger from your accounting system for the reporting period, ensuring vendors/payees are clearly identifiable.
- Enter Expenses:
- April Reporting: Enter actual expenses for October 1 - March 31 in the IFR Tab of the Budget Spreadsheet and submit with your ledger.
- October Reporting: Enter actual expenses for the entire year (October 1 - September 30) in the AFR Tab on your Budget Spreadsheet and submit with your ledger.
- Submit Reports:
- Visit this link.
- Choose the type of submission (interim quarterly report or final annual financial report) from the dropdown menu. The April report is an interim report and the October report is annual.
- Select your district/organization name from the dropdown menu.
- Skip the “School Code & School Name” field.
- Select “Federal” from the “State or Federal” dropdown menu to access the federal grant options.
- Choose “5371 CLSD” from the dropdown menu.
- Select the appropriate fiscal year from the dropdown menu.
- Attach your general ledger and IFR/AFR report using the provided template. Note: Upload both documents in the same box.
- Optional Information: Add any notes for Grants Fiscal in the provided box.
- Submitter Information: Enter the name and email of the person submitting the report.
- Certification and Submission:
- Check the “Certification of Submission” checkbox.
- If desired, check the “Send me a copy of my responses” checkbox.
- Click “Submit.”
Submitting a New Yearly Budget
Request Funds
To request funds from the CLSD Grant, visit this link:
1. Click the Formsite link under “All Competitive Grants”
2. Login using your district login credentials.
3. Select the grant you wish to request funds for: “Colorado Literacy State Development” or “Colorado Literacy
Professional Development.” Both options have the CDE Grant Code 5371.
4. If you have trouble logging in or have questions, there are tutorial and resource links at the bottom of the
Carryover Requests
Student Data Reporting
CDE will review student outcome data for all students supported by the CLSD Grant, regardless of subgroup or grade. Additionally, you should be aware of the following additional data collection reports required for the grant project:
GPRA Measures
CDE is required to report specific student data to the US Department of Education as part of our reporting on the CLSD Project and Grant Activities. This includes the following:
- Oral language skills for 4-year-olds using Results Matter data.
- 5th grade students who meet or exceed proficiency on CMAS ELA assessments
- 8th grade students who meet or exceed proficiency on CMAS ELA assessments.
- High school students who meet or exceed proficiency on 11th grade SAT ELA assessments.
- ELA proficiency scores for underserved populations such as students receiving free and reduced lunch, multilingual learners, and students with disabilities in all age and grade levels birth through grade 12.
- Percentage of activities being implemented that are aligned to scientifically and evidence-based practices.
CDE will strive to pull this information from existing data collection resources to minimize your workload. However, please ensure that your data collection team gathers student data for the groups listed above, in case we are unable to retrieve the necessary information from CDE resources.
PII & Data Privacy
CDE takes seriously its obligation to protect the privacy of student and educator Personally Identifiable Information (PII) collected, used, shared, and stored. PII will not be collected through the CO Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) Grant. All program evaluation data will be collected in the aggregate and will be used, shared, and stored in compliance with CDE’s privacy and security policies and procedures.
Note: Documents submitted must not contain any personally identifiable student or educator information including names, identification numbers, or anything that could identify an individual. All data should be referenced/included in the aggregate and the aggregate counts should be redacted to remove small numbers under n=16 for students or n=5 for educators.
Project Evaluation
To assess the effectiveness of the CLSD program, CDE has engaged an external evaluator to conduct evaluations. Grantees are required to participate in these evaluations, which will include three surveys tailored to different project support roles. Each survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. Survey links will be distributed at the end of each school year.
Administrator Survey: For district-level staff supporting the CLSD Grant who are not direct instructional staff (e.g., Literacy Coordinators, Grant Coordinators, Directors of Curriculum & Instruction, Instructional Coaches, and staff funded by the CLSD Grant).
Literacy Consultant Survey: Specifically for CLSD-funded literacy consultants.
Teacher/Educator Survey: For direct instructional staff working in CLSD-funded schools.
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