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Elements Comprising the Colorado Literacy Framework

The elements of the “Colorado Literacy Framework” define the parameters for a “consistent voice around literacy with which to address literacy challenges… that will provide a foundation for focused support from CDE.”

Elements of the Colorado Literacy Framework:

  • The integration of the Five Components of Reading must inform CDE’s literacy initiatives.
  • Early learning experiences support literacy development in young children.
  • Research-based instructional approaches fostering communication skills, including oral and written language, promote access, opportunity and academic achievement.
  • Purposeful, direct, explicit, and systematic instruction is valuable for continuous literacy achievement.
  • Student learning and motivation are enhanced by a connection to cultural experience and personal relevance.
  • Valid and reliable student literacy achievement data support grantees and constituents in measuring success of initiatives.
  • Collaboration among education professionals, family, and community is essential to improved student literacy achievement.
  • All students benefit from literacy instruction provided within a multi-tiered system of support that provides students instruction that is needs-based, intensive and of sufficient duration to accelerate learning.