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Colorado IEP Forms
This page contains State-approved forms, which are intended to serve as guidance in the development of an IEP. All forms are in Microsoft Word unless otherwise stated and are available in both English and Spanish, as indicated. Document download will begin when link is selected or will open in a new browser window, depending upon the type of device being used for access.
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Procedural Safeguards
Translations of Procedural Safeguards
This form describes the Educational Rights of Parents and Due Process Procedures.
- Procedural Safeguards in English 2024 (PDF)
- Procedural Safeguards -Spanish 2024 (PDF)
- Procedural Safeguards - Arabic 2024 (PDF)
- Procedural Safeguards - Simplified Chinese 2024 (PDF)
- Procedural Safeguards - Vietnamese 2024 (PDF)
IEP Review
This form to be used for annual review meetings
These forms (Microsoft Word: English/Spanish) to be used for eligibility meetings including initial and triennial reviews.
Determination of Eligibility:
House Bill 11-1277 amended the Exceptional Children’s Education Act (ECEA) to align Colorado’s eligibility categories with corresponding federal terms and requirements and/or terminology used in the field. This legislation was passed in May 2011, with the disability category and eligibility language taking effect on October 30, 2012.
Disability Categories and Eligibility Criteria
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (English)
- Deaf-Blindness (English)
- Developmental Delay (English)
- Hearing Impairment, Including Deafness (English)
- Intellectual Disability (English)
- Multiple Disabilities (English)
- Orthopedic Impairment (English)
- Other Health Impaired (English)
- Serious Emotional Disability (English)
- Specific Learning Disability (English)
- Speech or Language Impairment (English)
- Traumatic Brain Injury (English)
- Visual Impairment, Including Blindness (English) (Doc)
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (Spanish)
- Deaf-Blindness (Spanish)
- Developmental Delay (Spanish)
- Hearing Impairment, Including Deafness (Spanish)
- Intellectual Disability (Spanish)
- Multiple Disabilities (Spanish)
- Orthopedic Impairment (Spanish)
- Other Health Impaired (Spanish)
- Serious Emotional Disability (Spanish)
- Specific Learning Disability (Spanish)
- Speech or Language Impairment (Spanish)
- Traumatic Brain Injury (Spanish)
- Visual Impairment, Including Blindness (Spanish) (Word)
Supporting Documents
These supplemental forms support the special education process.
- Behavior Intervention Plan (English) (Word), Behavior Intervention Plan (English) (PDF)
- Communication Plan (English)
- Consent for Initial Provision of Services (English)
- Consent to Invite Agencies (English)
- ESY Data Documentation (English)
- Functional Behavior Assessment Summary Report Form (Word), Functional Behavior Assessment Summary Report Form (PDF)
- IEP Team Member Excusal (English)
- IEP Amendment and Prior Written Notice (English)
- Learning Media Plan (English)
- Manifestation Determination
- Notice of Graduation/Maximum Age (English)
- Notice of Meeting (English)
- Prior Written Notice of Special Education Action (English)
- Release Confidential Information (English)
- Student Invitation to Transition IEP Meeting (optional) (English)
- Secondary Transition Summary of Performance
- Transfer In-State (English)
- Transfer Out-of-State (English)
- Behavior Intervention Plan (Spanish)
- Communication Plan (Spanish)
- Consent for Initial Provision of Services (Spanish)
- Consent to Invite Agencies (Spanish)
- ESY Data Documentation (Spanish)
- IEP Team Member Excusal (Spanish)
- IEP Amendment and Prior Written Notice (Spanish)
- Learning Media Plan (Spanish)
- Manifestation Determination
- Notice of Graduation/Maximum Age (Spanish)
- Notice of Meeting (Spanish)
- Prior Written Notice of Special Education Action (Spanish)
- Release Confidential Information (Spanish)
- Student Invitation to Transition IEP Meeting (optional) (Spanish)
- Secondary Transition Summary of Performance
- Transfer In-State (Spanish)
- Transfer Out-of-State (Spanish)
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