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Initial SSP: School Social Work Checklist - Addendum
Applicants who meet all other requirements for a Colorado Special Services Provider license with a School Social Worker endorsement except for the coursework in school and special education law, functional behavior assessment and behavior intervention plans may fulfill the requirements for licensure in the following ways:
A. Complete one (1) of the following courses offered by these Colorado institutions of higher education:
- Colorado State University (SOWK 560) Social Work Practice in Schools (Contact Evan Lowe at
- Metropolitan State University of Denver (SWKM 6635) School-Based Social Work Practice
- University of Colorado -- Colorado Springs (SWRK 6057) School Aged Children and Families OR (SWRK 6058) School Social Work Interventions
- University of Denver (SOWK 4715) School Social Work Interventions
Upon completion of this coursework, obtain an official memo from the program director at the college/university and a copy of an official transcript that reflects the completed coursework.
Request that your original social work program complete the approved program verification form. (They will indicate “no” for question #4 and/or #7.)
Complete and submit an application for an initial special services provider license.
Upload the approved program verification form and the official memo together. This combination will sufficiently verify that you have met the program requirements.
Upload copies of your official master’s degree transcripts along with the official transcript reflecting the coursework just completed. This combination will sufficiently verify that you have met the coursework requirements.
B. If you have completed school and special education law coursework but need to fulfill the functional behavior assessment and behavior intervention plans requirement, you may do so by completing the 7-module online training provided by Portland State University.
- Upon completion of the module series, retain a copy of your verification of completion. Then follow steps 2 through 5 (above).
If you have a job lined up or are presently employed as a school social worker in a Colorado public school district or charter school yet still need to meet these coursework requirements as outlined above, you will need to complete and submit a TEE (temporary educator eligibility) authorization application.
Upon approval, this authorization will allow you to serve as a school social worker under supervision of a licensed school social worker. Your employing school district and the college/university through which you are completing the coursework will need to sign the TEE authorization form, which you will include in the application along with copies of your master’s degree transcripts. If you are making your way through the 7-module series or need only the content exam, you may leave section B of the form blank and upload a copy of a screen shot showing your progress through the modules or your exam registration verification.
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