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Statewide Support
The Office of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE) offers a series of professional learning opportunities, including regional professional learning, webinars, regional director networking meetings, and targeted support. The CLDE team collaborates with other Colorado Department of Education offices to deliver these supports in a unified manner to better align with districts’ local implementation of programs that support the academic, linguistic, and social-emotional needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students. Please contact the CLDE Office with any questions you may have regarding CLDE Statewide Supports.
ELD Program Reviews
The Office of CLDE offers a district-wide review of English language development programs, upon request. The review will be conducted by a team from the Office of English Language Development who will interview district administrators, school administrators and teachers. In order to prepare for the ELD Program Review, a district will first need to set up a 30 minute phone planning meeting with the CDE ELD Program Review Team in order to discuss the process and to discuss which groups of district stakeholders (central administration, school administration, teacher) your district wants to select.
The intent of the ELD Program Review is to initiate dialogue and implement improvements to a district’s ELD program(s). The foundation used for this initial review is Castaneda v. Pickard (1981), the landmark court case that established a three-prong approach to determine ELD quality programming with the Office for Civil Rights laws and Department of Justice court orders. The three-prong approach is as follows:
Theory - Educationally sound and research-based
Practice - Effective implementation (transforming theory into practice with fidelity) with adequate resources and personnel
Results - Analysis of information, program evaluation, modification and plan for improvement
Getting results within a district organization requires communication and collaboration of efforts towards common goals. Therefore, CDE has embedded a fourth prong to this review to determine the level and effectiveness of “Communication and Collaboration” across the district system in support of multilingual learners. Any Colorado school district may request individualized district and/or school support from the Office of CLDE. If you would like to request targeted support, please contact a member of the CLDE team under contacts.
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