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Test Centers
How to Become an Approved HSE Testing Center
Per Colorado Revised Statutes 22-33-102(8.5), the Department of Education approves testing centers to administer any State Board-approved High School Equivalency (HSE) exam based on geographic need and testing volume.
To administer HSE exams, testing centers must first be approved by the Department and must also meet the requirements of the test publisher (e.g., the GED or HiSET). Follow these steps to become approved to administer HSE exams:
- Complete the HSEE Testing Center Application: The Department approves and determines need for new testing sites based on geographic location and testing volume in the region. School districts and schools may be approved testing centers for their students.
- View the map of current HSE Testing Centers in Colorado
- Read the HSE Fact Sheet for basic differences between the two tests
- Apply with the test publisher: After your Application with CDE has been approved, choose which HSE exam(s) you want to provide and begin the application process with the test publisher. The individual test publishers determine the ability of a testing center to meet all requirements to administer the selected exam. Requirements vary by test publisher.
- Pearson VUE application - for GED test
- PSI application - for HiSET test
- Begin testing! Once you have met all the requirements of the test publisher, you are ready to begin administering your HSE exam(s)!
Note: Department-approved testing centers are authorized to provide any HSE exam and do not need additional approval to add new HSE exams. For example, if you are approved to administer the GED and later want to add the HiSET, you do not need to re-apply with CDE. You will simply follow PSI's application process as per step 2 above.
Resources for Testing Centers
Print these cards to provide to testers so they know how to order their HSE records. These are business card-sized when printed and cut along perforations.
GED Centers:
- GED Program Policy Manual
- Pearson VUE Facility Requirements
- GED ManagerTM Access Form
- Technical Manual
- Teaching Resources
- Free Classroom Materials
- Adult Education Program Toolkit
- Pearson VUE's "VSS" portal is for training documents and guides (access granted after site setup).
- "ServiceDirect" is a Pearson VUE system for tracking cases/events and managing support for test delivery (access granted after site setup).
- Test Center Support Line: 888-344-7924
- Test takers should NOT call this line
HiSET Centers:
- HiSET Program Manual and Test Center Requirements
- HiSET Chief Examiner and Test Administrator Requirements
- Computer-Based Training Materials and Resources
- Paper-Based Training Materials and Resources
- FAQs for HiSET Test Centers
- Test Center Staff Update Form
- Help/Contact Request Form for Test Centers - This form is submitted to Colorado's Regional Site Supervisor
- PSI's Test Center Help Desk phone number: 844-562-0512
- For TCA Portal login help and assistance with PSI’s Test Delivery Platform (GPS)
- Test takers should NOT call this line
Alena Barczak, High School Equivalency Coordinator
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