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Using Peers to Provide Feedback

Local Flexibility for Educator Evaluations. Educators Matter.

Promising practices of flexibilities, efficiencies, and differentiation when using peers to provide feedback

Did You Know?

Peers may be used to collect teacher performance data related to professional practice and provide quality feedback based on expertise in a content area or for specific instructional practices. These data contribute to a body of evidence by submitting observations/artifacts to the evaluator. The evaluator may add this information to an educator's existing body of evidence to support actionable feedback. The legislative requirements for feedback include: school districts and BOCES are required to collect and analyze data on multiple occasions in order to provide actionable feedback. School districts and BOCES are encouraged to provide training to those interested in peer observations.

Ideas for Providing Feedback Using Peers

Example of using peers to observe each other

One Colorado district values observing peers to promote collegial feedback. To ensure all staff have the time and opportunity to observe a peer, all teachers have committed to giving up one of their planning periods to cover a class so another teacher can observe a peer. The teacher observing then submits the information both to the teacher being observed and the supervisor. The supervisor has the option to use the observation as evidence in the evaluation system. This process has allowed teachers to receive more feedback on their practice, more insight into identifying high quality practice, and opportunities for collegial feedback.

Example of peer coaching

Another district is using a peer coaching model that allows educators to get coaching and feedback from someone with similar expertise in their content area or with others across content areas (e.g., support in integrating reading and math). The school provides release time and arranges schedules so that this can happen at least twice a month. Teachers can ask for feedback and coaching in specific areas of the rubric and this information can be shared with the principal to inform the evaluation.

Example of using peers from out-of-state

One district has a partnership with colleagues from out-of-state. In order to provide feedback, teachers film themselves and securely share files with their peers. Their colleagues then provide them with feedback on their practice using the recording. The teacher has the option to link the film and feedback as an artifact to contribute to their body of evidence.

Colorado Stories of Providing Feedback Using Peers

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