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Child Find Mountain BOCES
Member Districts:
Chaffee County: Buena Vista R-31, Salida R-32 (J)
Lake County: Lake County R-1
Park County: Park County Re-2
Chaffee County:
Buena Vista R-31
Cities: Buena Vista
Child Find Coordinator:
Dione Garritson
Phone: (719) 966-9653
Fax: (719) 395-7013
Email Dione Morgan
P.O. Box 2027, Buena Vista, CO 81211
Salida R-32 (J)
City: Salida
Child Find Coordinator:
Lisa Hostvet
Phone: (719) 530-5375
Fax: (719) 539-1844
Email Lisa Hostvet
516 Teller Street, Salida, CO 81201
Lake County: Lake County R-1
City: Leadville
Child Find Coordinator:
Kelly Horning
Phone: (719)-486-6920
Cell: (719) 293-4613
Email Kelly Horning
130 West 12th Street, Leadville, CO 80461
Park County: Park County Re-2
Cities: Fairplay, Guffey, Lake George
Child Find Coordinator:
Robin Medina
Phone: (719) 836-4434
Fax: (719) 836-2275
Email Robin Medina
PO Box 189, 640 Hathaway Street, Fairplay, CO 80440
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