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Santa Fe Trail BOCES
Program Description
This training will provide an in-depth discussion and analysis of both the art of principal and teacher evaluation and the technical and managerial aspects of the requirements identified in the SB 10-191 legislation. The training will include:
- Overview of SB 10-191
- Evaluation Process
- Frameworks for Evaluation Tools
- Exploration of Teacher Rubric
- Scoring the Rubric
- Measures of Student Learning/Measures of Student Outcomes
- Final Effectiveness Rating
- Inter-rater Agreement
The SFTBOCES will also provide training for Peer Coaches to increase leadership capacity in each and every district. These coaches will eventually provide continued support to teachers at the building level to improve instructional techniques and strategies, analyze assessment data to identify trends and areas of both acceleration and deficiency, and provide on-going support to the principals in the evaluation process.
Type of Provider
Main Contact
Sandy Malouff
PO Box 980
320 Colorado Ave.
La Junta, CO 81050
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