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Qualified Personnel for Gifted Education

gifted students working together

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Exceptional Children's Educational Act (ECEA) defines "qualified personnel" as:

“Qualified Personnel” or “Qualified Person” means a licensed, content endorsed educator who also has an endorsement or higher degree in gifted education; or who is working toward an endorsement or higher degree in gifted education.  12.01(26)


In Colorado, "qualified personnel" in gifted education means a licensed educator who has a teaching certificate along with one of the three gifted education endorsements

AUs shall employ or contract with a person who is responsible for managing the gifted program plan and providing professional development activities.

AUs shall make a good faith effort to hire one qualified person, at least half time, to administer and monitor the implementation of the AU’s gifted program [12.02(2)(j)(ii)].

AUs have the autonomy to determine the licensing and endorsement levels of educators supporting gifted students.

House Bill 14-1102 permits AUs to apply for grant funds to offset costs incurred by employing a qualified person to administer the gifted program plan.  AUs may submit an application for the Qualified Personnel Grant to offset up to a .5 FTE.

Gifted Education Endorsements

The three types of Gifted Education Endorsements include:

  1. Core Gifted Endorsement
  2. Gifted Specialist
  3. Gifted Director

Colorado Approved Educator Preparation Programs for Gifted Endorsements

Standards for Endorsements

Information about endorsement application and online submission is available on the Educator Licensing Office webpage.

Please direct any licensing questions to The Educator Licensing Office:

Note: If you are not able to access the resources or need additional support, please contact the Office of Gifted Education Program Administrator