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Title I, Part A District Level Set Asides (Formerly District Managed Activities)
The intent of Title I, Part A funds is to concentrate funds in schools with the highest percentages of poverty and to provide sufficient funds to those schools to support the academic achievement and growth of eligible students. However, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015, Section 1113(c) has required district level set-asides as well as set-asides that are at the discretion of the local educational agencies (LEAs). This document is designed to provide guidance on both required and allowable district level Title I, Part A Set-Asides. As with all ESEA funds, proposed activities with district level set-asides and district level allowable activities must be reasonable and necessary to meet the intent of Title I which is (to ensure all students have a fair, equitable, and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education and close achievement gaps.
All Title I requirements, such as rank and serve, supplement, not supplant, comparability, and maintenance of effort, continue to apply regardless of the allocation structures and retention of funds at the LEA level. Additionally, as we transition towards the end of ESSER funds, LEAs are encouraged to take into consideration the effectiveness of activities that should be continued with ESEA funds both at the LEA and school level. As funds become more scarce and/or needs increase, LEAs are encouraged to use ESEA funds for the evidence-based strategies and interventions that have shown to have significant impact on improving outcomes.
LEAs are encouraged to consider the needs of all or a subset of Title I schools in determining whether to retain funds for allowable LEA level activities. Note, LEAs may not use this allowability as a means to avoid serving schools at the school level or as a means to circumvent rank order requirements and it is not likely to be permissible to use funds set-aside at the district level to support efforts benefiting only one school. Furthermore, LEAs should ensure that stakeholders have been meaningfully engaged in the development and design of the LEA’s Title I plan, including the intent to retain funds at the district level to support allowable Title I activities, and that the LEA has afforded the public a reasonable opportunity to comment on the planned use of funds.
Title I, Part A - Required District Level Set-Asides
ESEA Consolidated Application Funding Source
Parent Involvement
For more information on use of funds visit the Elementary and Secondary Education Parent, Family and Community Engagement webpage.
Title I Part A Parent Involvement Set-Aside
(9211 School Level)
(9212 District Level)
Title I Part A Eligible Homeless Children Set-Aside (9202)
Neglected Facilities Set-Aside
Title I Part A Neglected Institution (9204)
Non-Public School Set-Aside
For information regarding carryover, for, visit the Equitable Services to Non-public schools webpage.
Title I Part A Non-Public School Set-Aside (9205)
Title I, Part A - Allowable District Level Set-Asides
ESEA Consolidated Application Funding Source
Title I Part A Preschool Set-Aside (9201)
Family Literacy Set-Aside
Title I Part A Family Literacy Set-Aside (9203)
Financial Incentives
Title I Part A District Managed Activity Set-Aside (9206)
Pay Differential
Title I Part A District Managed Activity Set-Aside (9206)
Transportation for Eligible Students
Title I Part A District Managed Activity Set-Aside (9206)
Additional Year of Title I Support
Title I Part A District Managed Activity Set-Aside (9206)
Other District Managed Authorized Activities
Guiding Questions for Allowability: If the district can respond positively or has evidence to support responses to the following questions, the activity is likely allowable.
Title I-A District Managed Activity Set-Aside (9206)
Budgeting District Set-Asides in the ESEA Consolidated Application
When entering Title I District Level Set-Aside into the ESEA Consolidated Application budget, the funds should be budgeted at the district level in the Location field. LEAs should include in the activity description the name of the school(s) that will benefit from each specific activity. LEAs should select “Title I-A District Managed Activity Set Aside (9206)” as the Funding Source. This coding must be used to prevent errors in serving schools out of rank order.
Waiver Request Process
LEAs that propose to exceed the 20% limitation for retaining Title I, Part A funds at the district level to administer Title I, Part A supports (formerly referred to as District Managed Activities; this does not pertain to the other LEA level set-asides that may have other caps) are required to complete a waiver request in conjunction with submitting the Consolidated Application. The Unit of Federal Programs and Supports at CDE will review the LEA’s waiver request during the initial review of the LEA’s Consolidated Application. The LEA will be notified of whether approval has been granted through the regular Consolidated Application review system. CDE may request additional information prior to granting approval of the waiver request. A request to exceed the 20% limitation must be submitted and approved annually. Click here to complete the district level set-aside waiver.
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