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School Level Standards and Indicators

The Standards and Indicators for Continuous School improvement outline the elements of systemic improvement within Colorado Schools at elementary, middle, and high school levels necessary to ensure student success and postsecondary and workforce readiness. These Standards and indicators form the basis of a thorough diagnostic review process. Using this tool, providers conduct a comprehensive assessment of a school's current level of performance.

  • Standard 1: Standards and Instructional Planning
  • Standard 2: Best First Instruction
  • Standard 3: Assessment of & for Learning
  • Standard 4: Tiered Support
  • Standard 5: Leadership
  • Standard 6: Culture and Climate
  • Standard 7: Educator Effectiveness
  • Standard 8: Continuous Improvement

School Level Standards and Indicators (pdf)

Additional Resources

For Additional Information Contact:

Laura Meushaw
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