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Information for Districts and Schools
- CARES Act Overview
- Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Securities (CARES) Act (PDF)
- USDE Providing Equitable Services to Students and Teachers in Non-Public Schools Under the CARES Act Programs (PDF)
- ESSER Due Dates - NEW!
- Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund Overview
- USDE Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund FAQ (PDF)
CDE Resources
- Federal Programs Unit FAQ
- ESEA Office Hours: Recordings
- COVID-19 Flexibilities for Grants Management FAQ
- Reporting Staff in 20-21 Data Pipeline: COVID-19 Considerations
USDE Fact Sheets
- Fact Sheet for Transferring State-and Local-Level Funds under Section 5103 of the ESEA (PDF)
- Fact Sheet for Repurposing Federal Equipment and Supplies to Combat COVID-19 (PDF)
- Fact Sheet: Impact of COVID-19 on Assessments and Accountability under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (PDF)
Open for Public Comment
- ESSER Funds State Level Activity Survey (closes May 18, 2020)
More Information
- CDE's COVID-19 Resources for Schools
- COVID-19 and CLDE
- Student Engagement, Mobility, Dropout Prevention, and Transition Support COVID-19 FAQ
- USDE Resources
- USDE News
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