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Retaining Teachers Grant Program
About the Grant Program
The Retaining Teachers Grant Program was created by HB18-1412 and provides school districts, BOCES, and charter schools the opportunity to implement strategies to improve their ability to successfully retain teachers. This grant program does not include funds for teacher recruitment activities. For more information on grant funds available for teacher recruitment, read about the Quality Teacher Recruitment Program and the Stipends for Rural Educators opportunities offered through the Colorado Center for Rural Education.
CDE submits an annual statutorily required report to the State Board of Education, the House and Senate Education Committees of the General Assembly, and the Governor's Office. The most recent report can be accessed here. Prior year reports are available below.
Grant funds awarded for the 2020-21 fiscal year were returned to the state in an effort to stabilize the state's budget as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Grantees were able to use no-cost extensions to roll-over unexpected 2019-20 fiscal year funds to the 2020-21 fiscal year.
Grant Awards
Cohort 1: Cohort 1 grantees are currently implementing year three of three-year grants (2018-19 through 2020-21 fiscal years).
Cohort 2: Cohort 2 grantees are currently implementing year two of two-year grants (2019-20 through 2020-21 fiscal years).
The table below presents a list of the grantees and their total award amounts:
Cohort | Grantee | Total Award |
1 | Aurora Public Schools | $245,186 |
1 | Denver Public Schools | $214,173 |
1 | Garfield School District No. 16 | $60,000 |
1 | Garfield School District RE-2 | $62,074 |
1 | Hayden School District RE-1 | $235,408 |
1 | Montezuma Cortez RE-1 | $144,223 |
1 | Northeast Colorado BOCES | $406,299 |
1 | San Luis Valley BOCES | $401,395 |
1 | West Grand School District 1-JT | $235,379 |
2 | Boulder Valley School District RE-2 | $110,625 |
2 | Clear Creek School District Re-1 | $101,333 |
2 | Colorado River BOCES/Rio Blanco BOCES | $151,522 |
2 | District 49 (Falcon) | $108,575 |
2 | Early College of Arvada | $44,250 |
2 | East Central BOCES | $175,796 |
2 | Ellicott School District 22 | $107,726 |
2 | New America Schools | $74,219 |
2 | Pagosa Peak Open School | $44,250 |
2 | South Central BOCES | $177,000 |
2 | Southeastern BOCES/Santa Fe Trail BOCES | $219,569 |
2 | St. Vrain Valley Schools | $131,003 |
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