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Teacher of Record Pathway to License

The Teacher of Record pathway to licensure was created by Colorado House Bill 18-1309 in response to teacher shortages across the state.

When a Colorado district, BOCES or charter school is in need of a teacher in a designated shortage area -- and no qualified applicants have applied for the position -- a teacher candidate, with support from their associated approved Colorado teacher preparation program and an approved plan created in collaboration between the hiring school/district/BOCES and teacher prep program, may be hired to fill the position under a Teacher of Record License. (Details below.)

This pathway is not available for individuals completing teacher preparation programs at colleges/universities outside Colorado. This pathway is only available for Teacher of Record candidates working in public school districts, BOCES or charter schools.

Important to Note:

Teacher of Record License

  • Available only to individuals in a traditional, undergraduate approved Colorado teacher preparation program
  • Allows these individuals to serve as the teacher of record in his/her own classroom while completing up to the remaining 36 hours of the Colorado teacher preparation program
  • Issued  only to applicants whose teacher of record plan has been approved by the Colorado Department of Education. 
  • Issued with any initial endorsement area EXCEPT Special Education.

Teacher of Record Program Plan

  • The hiring district/BOCES/charter school and the approved Colorado teacher preparation program collaboratively create an individualized program plan to allow the individual to complete his/her teacher preparation program while employed under a Teacher of Record license.
  • Both the district/BOCES/charter school and teacher preparation program are responsible for providing support services and training. 
  • All partners are responsible for reporting required information to CDE annually.

Process Overview

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Hiring district/BOCES/charter school and Colorado teacher preparation program communicate to identify candidate(s) that may be a good fit for the open position and design a plan for supporting the candidate.



The candidate passes the required PRAXIS exam(s) for the endorsement area and/or demonstrates content competency via Multiple Measures.




The hiring district/BOCES/charter school submits the program plan to CDE via e-mail. (Download the plan template.)




CDE reviews the program plan.



All parties are notified of CDE's decision and/or feedback on the plan.




Upon approval of the program plan, the candidate submits a "teacher" application for the Teacher of Record license.




Once the license is issued, the candidate may begin teaching.




The hiring district/BOCES/charter school and the Colorado IHE collaboratively complete and submit the annual reporting template in partnership with the candidate by June 15 of each year the candidate is participating in the program.




Upon completion of the preparation program and graduation from the Colorado college/university, the candidate may then apply to advance to an initial teacher license.