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Educator Preparation Program

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Fort Lewis College

Master's Degree in Special Education with Special Education Endorsement

The Special Education Master's program is a 31-credit program, including 240 internship hours in a special education classroom, or engaged in administrative or professional development activities. The first 24 credits of the Master's degree contains the endorsement to add to an existing teaching license. Through our program, you will be able to monitor progress for students with disabilities, advocate for students with disabilities, plan transitions for a variety of settings, and process and identify strategies for Response to Intervention (RtI). Special attention devoted to inclusive pedagogy and serving diverse and rural populations.

Pathway Type:

Added Endorsement: Masters

Course Format:


13-24 months

Region(s) Served:

Metro, North Central, Northeast, Northwest, Pikes Peak, Southeast, Southwest, Statewide, West Central

Contact Information:

Department of Teacher Education

Graduate Studies

Fort Lewis College

1000 Rim Drive

Durango, CO 81301-3999

(970) 247-7097


Visit Program Website

: Fort Lewis College

Endorsement Area(s):

  • Special Education Generalist (ages 5-21)

To request a change to this program pathway, copy the following pathway reference id and submit a change request form.

Pathway Reference ID: 68711