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Pikes Peak BOCES
Program Description
The Pikes Peak BOCES will provide differentiated training for 3 different groups of trainees: teacher leaders (evaluator designees) with limited background in supervision and evaluation, licensed administrators who are minimally familiar w ith SB-191 requirements, and licensed administrators wanting greater familiarity with the evaluation of SSPs. We will provide a multi-session series of training modules that encompass CDE’s Requirement 1 (the “art” of evaluation) and Requirement 2 (the “science” of evaluation.)
Topics to be covered include:
- Understanding teacher personalities
- Understanding your leadership style
- Facilitating the self-evaluation process
- Facilitating goal setting
- Conducting walk-throughs
- Conducting formal observations
- Conducting effective feedback sessions, using a critical conversation format along with the CDE rubric
- Linking artifacts to components of the CDE rubric
- Providing support and professional development to facilitate ongoing teacher growth
Content will typically be delivered in half-day sessions, with opportunities for practice and online discussion between sessions. A tentative schedule follows:
- Full day session for teacher leaders/designees (and others as needed) to provide background in the art of supervision and evaluation and an overview of SB-191
- Subsequent 2-3 half-day sessions covering content described above
- Subsequent 2-3 half-day sessions covering the implementation and application of Requirement 2, including review of Elevate, and inter-rater agreement
- Additional full day covering Specialized Service Professionals rubrics Participants will be required to utilize techniques and strategies discussed at each session, and to participate in asynchronous discussion boards (blogs, wikis) in between sessions.
Pikes Peak
Type of Provider
Main Contact
Caryl Manuszak
2883 South Circle Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
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