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Agency List for Families of Students with Disabilities

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All Disabilities / General Resources

Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition - 303.839.1775 (Voice) 

Advocates for social justice for people with all types of disabilities.

Colorado Department of Education, Office of Special Education - 303.866.6600

Disability Categories 

Special Education Director, District/BOCES 

Easterseals Colorado 

Serves families and people with all disabilities throughout their lifespan.

Family Voice Council 

The Council's mission is to improve the quality and delivery of services for all Coloradans and to provide feedback as a guide for the future.

Parents Encouraging Parents (PEP)

 Provides free informational conferences for parents to promote partnerships essential in supporting and including children with disabilities and their families in schools and the community.

Parent to Parent of Colorado (P2P) - 303.691.9339 Ext. 1124 or 877.472.7201

Offers encouragement to parents by providing emotional and informational support.

PEAK Parent Center800.284.0251 or 719.531.9400

Advocates and ensures that all people with disabilities are fully included in their neighborhood schools, communities, employment, and all walks of life.

THRIVE Center - 303.632.6840 

Informs and empowers all families, particularly low-income, culturally and linguistically diverse families, as advocates for their children with disabilities.

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Behavioral & Mental Health

Colorado Department of Education, Exceptional Student Services Unit (ESSU) - 303.866.6600

Behavioral Tools -  A resource for behavior planning teams.

Colorado Department of Education, Office of Special Education, Mental Health - 303.866.6600

Provides guidance on positive promotion of students’ overall school success and promotes the ability to cope with challenges in life.

Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Behavioral Health - 303.866.7524 

Provides information on mental health and substance use services for children and youth, as well as programs and services for adults.

Empower Colorado - 866.213.4631

Provides support, resources, education, and advocacy for families of children who have social/emotional mental or behavioral challenges.

Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health 

A child- and family-focus program that serves children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbances (SED).

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)Main: 704.524.7600 - Help Line: 800.950.6264 

Dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.

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Brain Injury

Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado - 303.355.9969 or 800.955.2443

A resource for help and services for survivors of an injury to the brain, their families and providers.

Colorado Kids Brain Injury Resource Network - 303.355.9969 

For families of youth (0-21) who have sustained a brain injury.

Mindsource Brain Injury Network – Colorado Department of Human Services 

Helps people with brain injury and their loved ones by assisting with accessing needed supports for recovery. Formerly the Colorado Brain Injury Program through CDHS.

Traumatic Brain Injury Website

BrainSTEPS consulting teams support school teams in the development and implementation of educational plans following acquired brain injury.

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Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy Association of Colorado Springs - 719.638.0808 

Financial, emotional and community support to individuals with Cerebral Palsy.

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Deaf / Blind

Colorado AG Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 

Listening and spoken language support and resources for children and adults with hearing loss.

Colorado Hands & Voices - 303.492.6283

Supports families with children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing without a bias around communication modes or methodology.

Colorado Talking Book Library303.727.9277

For people who can't read standard print, CTBL provides audio, Braille and large print books keeping you connected to reading, stories and adventure.

Colorado Services for Children and Youth with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss Project  

Services for children with concomitant hearing and visual impairments that cannot be accommodated in programs solely for children with deafness or children with blindness.

Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind (CSDB) - 719.578.2100. NOTE: Link is disabled because error message shows search is not private. Please copy and paste into your browser the following:

Provides comprehensive educational services for children, birth to age 21, who are blind/visually impaired and/or deaf/hard of hearing.

Hearing Loss Association of America, Colorado Chapters 

Serves to open the world of communication to people with hearing loss by providing information, education, support and advocacy.

National Federation of the Blind of Colorado - 303.778.1130

         Promotes full participation and integration of blind people in all areas of life; advocates for change when equal access and treatment of the blind is denied.

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Developmental / Intellectual / Learning

 (The) Arc - 303.864.9334

Serves and believes that all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities have inherent value and must be treated with dignity and respect.

Autism Society of Colorado - 720.214.0794

Serves individuals with autism, families, providers, and educators.

Colorado Council for Learning Disabilities (CCLD)

Determines whether a child has a need for early intervention or special education services.

Colorado Department of Education, Office of Special Education, Preschool Special Education and Child Find - 303.866.6600 

Believes all students can engage in higher- level learning through the implementation of evidenced-based instructional practices. Affiliated with The Council for Learning Disabilities (CLD).

Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council - 720.941.0176 

Advocates in collaboration with and on behalf of people with developmental disabilities for the establishment and implementation of public policy, which will further their independence, productivity, and integration.

Early Intervention Colorado - 888.777.4041 

Provides supports and services to children with developmental delays or disabilities and their families from birth until the child’s third birthday.

Learning Disabilities Association of America, Colorado Chapter - 412.341.1515

Provides support to people with learning disabilities, their parents, teachers and other professionals.

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Down Syndrome

Colorado Springs Down Syndrome Association - 719.633.1133 

Provides support and encouragement to families of children with down Syndrome.

Rocky Mountain Down Syndrome Association - 303.797.1699 

Assure inclusion and enhance independence of people with Down Syndrome.

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Rocky Mountain Branch of the International Dyslexia Association - 303.721.9425 or 855.5.IDA.RMB

Supports those living with dyslexia, language and literacy challenges by providing research-based education and resources to individuals, families and educators. We serve communities in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming.

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Health Care

Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing

Administers Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid Program), Child Health Plan Plus, and other health care programs.

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs (HCP) - 303.692.2370 or

800.886.7689, Ext. 2370 

Programs located within local public health agencies for children and youth with special health care needs.

Family Voices

Keeping families at the center of children’s health care. Family Voices is a national family-led organization of families and friends of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) and disabilities.

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Independent Living

Colorado SILC (State Independent Living Centers)

Serves to pave pathways to full participation in communities for people with disabilities and supports Colorado’s Centers for Independent Living. Formerly the Association of Colorado Centers for Independent Living.

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Colorado Colorado Department of Education, Exceptional Student Services Unit (ESSU) - 303.866.6600 - IEP Facilitation

An IEP team meeting that includes an impartial facilitator who promotes effective communication and assists an IEP team in developing an IEP based on the student’s needs.

Disability Law Colorado - 800.288.1376 or 303.722.0300

Provides direct legal representation, advocacy, education and legislative analysis that protects and promotes the rights of people with disabilities and older people.

Guardianship Alliance of Colorado - 303.691.9339

Provides information and training related to the guardianship process and protecting the rights and dignity of vulnerable adults.

Rocky Mountain ADA Center - 800.949.4232

Provides information on the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) to individuals and organizations throughout Colorado, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota.

Rocky Mountain Children’s Law Center - 303.692.1165

Serves to transform the lives of abused, neglected and at-risk children through compassionate legal advocacy, clinical services, education and public policy reform.

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Colorado Department of Education, Dropout Prevention and Student Re- Engagement                                         

Builds on the state’s commitment to ensure graduation and school success for all students and re-engaging out of school youth.


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Colorado Respite Coalition (CRC) - 303.233.1666                                             

Supports current respite care options and facilitates the development of new, safe, affordable, interactive and stimulating respite care choices for families.

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Spina Bifida

Spina Bifida Organization of Colorado - 303.797.7880

To promote the prevention of Spina Bifida and enhance the lives of all affected.

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Tourette Syndrome

Tourette Association of America Rocky Mountain Region Chapter

Supports individuals and families living with Tourette Syndrome through educational programs and public awareness.

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Transition Services / Assistive Technology / Vocational Rehabilitation

Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering (CIDE)  (formerly Assistive Technology Partners) - 303.315.1280

Empowers individuals with disabilities to achieve their highest potential through the use of assistive technology.

Colorado Department of Education, Office of Special Education, Secondary Transition Resources - 303.866.6600

Prepares students with disabilities for adult life after they leave high school and provides opportunities to experience positive post-school outcomes, such as higher education or training, employment, independent living and community participation.

Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

Helps individuals with disabilities prepare for, obtain, advance in, and maintain employment by providing a range of services based on an individual’s employment needs and goals.

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Translation Services

Colorado Crisis Services - 844.495.8255

Translation services for non-English speakers; immediate problem solving; follow-up calls and continued care.

El Grupo VIDA - 303.335.9875

A group of Hispanic/Latino parents formed to give mutual support to persons with disabilities or special needs, their parents, families and legal guardians.

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This is not a complete list. Please do an online search for your child’s specific disability. The contents of this handout were funded in part by a grant from the Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.

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