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6.6 Resources for Instructional Leaders, Teachers and Other Educators
The National Center on Improving Literacy offers a number of resources for educators. The following resources are highlighted below:
Succeeding in School: Essential Features of Literacy Development- infographic and companion literacy brief
The Center on Response to Intervention offers resources for teachers regarding the use of RtI procedures and progress monitoring.
The Reading League offers a list of Decodable Text sources.
The Barksdale Institute offers free access to the Reading Universe, an interactive grid with teaching strategies and videos.
The Cognitive Foundations of Learning to Read: A Framework, originally created by SEDL, is now available at the SEDL Archives at the American Institute for Research.
The Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) hosts a website for teachers with numerous classroom resources.
The University of Texas at Austin/Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk: Vaugh-Gross Center for Reading and Language Arts offers access to research and materials developed at the center.
The Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity hosts a website with resources for educators and parents.
The Neuhaus Center, a nonprofit center in Texas, is a resource for teachers and families. It generously shares a number of its resources online, including consumables and videos.
The Center for Effective Reading Instruction (CERI), founded by the International Dyslexia Association and accessible online and, can be contacted for information about teacher-training programs and certifications.
Tools4Reading was created by Mary Dahlgren, Ed.D. It offers teachers free access to many K-3 classroom resources.
More Information
Computer-Based Information
Reading Rockets offers information for teacher, principals, school psychologists and other school professions on its website.
View Video
The Children of the Code website, offers access to video interviews with experts in reading, neuroscience and learning.
Visit the University of California MIND Institute YouTube video Brain Imaging Studies of Reading and Reading Disability and learn about reading and brain imaging from Dr. Guinevere Eden of Georgetown University Medical Center.
Books and Print Information
For those who wish to read something that is more in depth, the following books are a suggested:
Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties (2005), David Kilpatrick
Handbook of Language and Literacy (2014), Addison Stone, Elaine Silliman, Barbara Eden and Geraldine Wallach, editors
Language at the Speed of Sight (2018), Mark Seidenberg
Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills Activity Book, Fourth Edition (2019), Suzanne Carreker
Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills, Fourth Edition (2019), Judith Birsh and Suzanne Carreker
Oxford Handbook of Reading (2012), Alexander Pollatsek and Rebecca Treiman, editors
Speech to Print Workbook, Second Edition (2011), Louisa C. Moats
Speech to Print, Second Edition (2010), Louisa C. Moats
Teaching Word Recognition (2014), Rollanda O’Connor
The ABC’s and All Their Tricks (2006), Margaret Bishop
Unlocking Literacy, Second Edition (2010), Marcia Henry
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