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Child Find Pueblo County

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Pueblo City 60

City: Pueblo

Intake: (719) 423-3885
Intake Coordinator:
Cristol Valdez
Phone: (719) 423-3885
Email Cristol Valdez

Child Find Coordinator:
Rhonda Adamson
Phone: (719) 423-3887​
Fax: (719) 253-5274
Email Rhonda Adamson

Child Find Office: 216 East Orman, Pueblo, CO 81004

Pueblo County 70

Cities: Avondale, Beulah, Colorado City, Pueblo, Pueblo West, Rye

Child Find Coordinator:
Robin Seder
Phone: (719) 542-1671
Fax: (719) 544-7248
Email Robin Seder

301 28th Lane, Pueblo, CO 81001

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