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CDE Data Requests


The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) publicly reports data in a number of topic areas and provides additional data by request.


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Process for Submitting Data Requests

1. See if we already have the data online:

Before you submit a data request, please take a look at this list of commonly requested data available on CDE's website to make sure the information you need is not already posted online.

2. Decide what type of data request to make:

If you still want to submit a data request, you will need to determine what type of request to make. This will vary depending on whether or not the data you request contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and your role.

Click on an option to view detailed information and guidance:

3. Read the data request process and requirements

Once you have determined which type of data request you need, read about the corresponding data request process and any rules, requirements or constraints.

4. Submit your request

Download and submit the appropriate data request form to:

Questions? CDE's Data Sharing and Research Manager, Kathryn Wright (720-610-4712), can help with questions about which form to complete or the data request process.

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External Non-PII Data Requests


For data that does not include Personally Identifiable Information (PII), please fill out the Non-PII Data Request Form (DOCX). Non-PII data is generally data reported at the school, district, or state level and which includes student counts of 16 or above and school and district employee counts of 5 or above. Please note that CDE will suppress data with student counts of less than 16 and employee counts of less than 5 on all data provided in response to requests. This is to ensure student and employee privacy is maintained. If you are requesting data for only one or two districts, please contact those districts directly. 

Timeline for Completion

Please note that the standard fulfillment time for non-PII data requests ranges from ten days to two weeks. This timeframe is subject to change based on existing unit workloads and also the requirements of each data request. If a CDE unit cannot complete a request within the standard fulfillment timeframe, a staff member should contact you within a week of the request to discuss what timeframe is feasible based upon both the details of the request and the unit's existing workload.

Request Form

Submit the completed form to CDE's Data Sharing and Research Manager at

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External PII Data Requests


CDE is often asked to provide data about individual students or school district employees. CDE is restricted by federal and state law from providing individual-level data except under very specific circumstances. All requests for individual-level data will be thoroughly reviewed for alignment with applicable laws and CDE's PII Protection Policy. Please see the policy for the definition of PII. All requests for individual-level data need to begin with the submission of the External PII Data Request Form (DOCX).

The review processes for external data (research) requests are as follows:

  • Student data: The process for reviewing external research requests for student PII is explained in this PowerPoint (PDF). Per Colorado's Student Data Transparency and Security Act (C.R.S. 22-16-101, this process was approved by the State Board of Education on September 14, 2016. 
  • Educator data: External research requests for educator PII will be reviewed according to the Educator PII External Research Data Request Review Rubric (PDF).

Timeline for Completion and Additional Notes

  • The PII Data Request review process is extensive and can take upwards of 6-12 months. The review process for external research requests for student PII usually takes at least 12 months.
  • CDE does not approve every request for PII that will be used for research purposes. As a result, we recommend that requestors not make any commitments to use CDE data prior to getting approval through this process.
  • CDE will not provide student names for any research request.
  • Individual-level data without names or student/educator ID numbers can still be identifiable.
  • A Data Sharing Agreement (DOCX) must be in place for all approved requests prior to the data request being fulfilled. The process for completing and signing Data Sharing Agreements can take multiple months.
  • Research projects should be narrowly focused and tightly defined. Project descriptions should have:
    • Clear and specific details about what information could be learned from the research and how it could be applied in other contexts, especially within and across Colorado.
    • Very specific research questions.
    • Clear rationale of why the specific data elements requested are necessary for the research. FERPA requires state agencies to share only the minimum data necessary for research projects. Data requested should be limited to exactly what is needed to answer very specific research questions.
    • Clear descriptions of methodology that explain all steps of the process and which are understandable to those who may not have a technical background.
  • Any request, or component of a request, that requires a small number of districts' data will be referred to those districts. Requests to the state should be limited to those requests for which only the state would be able to provide the necessary data (e.g. requests for data for all districts or a majority of districts).

Request Form

Submit the completed the External PII Data Request Form to CDE's Data Sharing and Research Manager at Please review the Data Sharing Agreement Template to ensure you can meet the terms of the Agreement.

All requestors must be able to comply with our requirements.

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Media Data Requests

Members of the media should reach out directly to CDE's Communications Division for data requests and other questions

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Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) Requests

Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) requests start with CDE's Communications Division. Read the CORA policy and submit a CORA request here.

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Internal Data Requests from CDE staff

CDE staff should see the Data Sharing page on MyCDE for information on how to submit internal requests for data.

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