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2017-18 Pupil Membership
2017-2018 Pupil Membership
The 2017-2018 Pupil Membership data is based upon the Student October Count. The October 2017 Colorado preschool through 12th grade public school membership is 910,280. This is an increase of 5,261 students (0.6 percent) from the October 2016 count of 905,019 students.
View Press Release for the October 2017 Pupil Enrollment Count
State Level Data
- PK-12 Membership by Year (XLSX)
- PK-12 Pupil Membership by Race/Ethnicity with Historical Data (XLSX)
District Level Data
- PK-12 Membership Trend by District - 2007-2017 (XLSX)
- 2017-18 PK-12 Membership by District Ranking High to Low (XLSX)
- 2017-18 PK-12 Denver Metro Area Membership and History (XLSX)
- 2017-18 PK-12 and K-12 Membership by District and County (XLSX)
- 2017-18 Grade Level by District (XLSX)
- 2017-18 Membership by District and District Setting (XLSX)
- District Settings: Denver Metro, Urban-Suburban, Outlying City, Outlying Town, Remote, and Colorado BOCES
- Home Based Education Trend Data (XLSX)
- 2017-18 Race/Ethnicity and Percent Minority by District (XLSX)
- 2017-18 Race/Ethnicity and Gender by District (XLSX)
- 2017-18 Instructional Program by District (XLSX)
- 2017-18 PK-12 Free and Reduced Lunch Eligibility by District (XLSX)
- 2017-18 K-12 Free and Reduced Lunch Eligibility by District (XLSX)
- 2017-18 Non-Resident Students District of Parent's Residence by District of Attendance (XLSX)
- 2017-18 Non-Resident Students District of Attendance by Parent's District, State, or Country of Residence (XLSX)
School Level Data
- Student counts of less than 16 are suppressed for Instructional Programs and Free and Reduced Lunch Eligibility to protect student privacy. Suppressed cells are marked as N/A.
- Instructional programs include: Gifted and Talented, Special Education, Online Students, English Learners, Homeless Students, Section 504 Services, Immigrant Students, Migrant Students
- English Learner counts include students who are NEP, LEP, and FEP Monitor Year 1 and Monitor Year 2.
- If the data you are looking for is not available here or on another page, you may submit a data request using the CDE Data Request Form available here.
- Pupil membership data at the district level is a headcount of the number of students educated by a district. The count for each district does not reflect students a district is contracting with another district or entity to educate.
- Pupil Membership data does not reflect the amount funding received by districts or schools. Data on the funding received by districts can be found on the CDE School Finance Division website.
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