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Data Pipeline Finance December - Business Rules


In the Data Pipeline Finance December Collection there are business rules established to validate the data being submitted by the district to logic according to the business rules.

Types of Business Rules

There are two types of business rules identified:

  • "Warnings" are not required to be fixed, these are items that either require confirmation that it is accurate or are items that are uncommon in reporting.
  • "Errors" are items that must be fixed, as this is considered an invalid combination or are expected to be a certain amount.


  • Use the Error/Warning Code dropdown below for helpful hints on the Error/Warning that you are receiving.
  • Contact Yolanda Lucero, or Kelly Wiedemer, with any questions or to request an alternate version of a document on this page.

Tiers of Business Rules

There are two tiers of business rules identified:

  • "Tier 1" of the business rules are primarily for account validation to determine if the account elements are within the Chart of Accounts or if the combination of account elements are valid. All "Tier 1" "Errors" must be resolved prior to access to the "Tier 2" edits and other Data Pipeline reports.
  • "Tier 2" of the business rules are primarily for comparisons of amount expected to be reported, required reporting according to specific grants and confirmations according to various reporting requirements. All "Tier 2" "Errors" must be resolved to finalize the Data Pipeline Collection.

Listing of Business Rules