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Professional Development
Improving the effectiveness of all educators
More than ever before, educators must meet the increasing demands of today’s rapidly shifting society. They deserve ongoing training and support to skillfully address new challenges and meet students’ needs.
The use of the new educator evaluation system is intended to support professional development by providing meaningful and credible feedback aimed at continuously improving educator performance and student results.
The Colorado Department of Education provides regular professional development on a range of topics, allocates funding for school districts’ professional development and retention efforts, monitors and reports on educator working conditions, and recognizes outstanding educators.
Providing professional development
A month-by-month view of meetings, workshops and conferences sponsored or approved by CDE.
Allocating funds to school districts
CDE provides resources to school districts and boards of cooperative educational services whose professional development programs are based on student and community needs, aligned with their unified improvement plans and differentiated to support educators’ needs as identified through performance evaluations
CDE offers support to students, teachers and administrators in applying for and funding specific grant and award programs.
A significant portion of the financial resources CDE distributes to school districts for professional development comes from Title IIA of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The funds are intended to increase student achievement by improving teacher and principal quality. The dollars can be used for recruitment, retention and professional development designed to increase educator effectiveness.
Title IID of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act offers grants to school districts. The primary goal is to improve student achievement through the use of technology in schools. Professional development for school staff on the use of technology in classrooms is heavily emphasized.
Determining teaching and learning conditions
The TELL Colorado Survey is an opportunity for every educator to “tell Colorado” if they have positive teaching and learning conditions that research has shown to impact student learning and teacher retention. It also asks new educators for their perceptions of their induction programs and mentoring experiences.
CDE administers the survey to all educators every other year. Data help CDE and school districts monitor how well we’re meeting the needs of Colorado’s educators.
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